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Prophet Bernard Taylor Appeals To The Government Over Prophetic Restrictions

Prophet Bernard Taylor Appeals To The Government Over Prophetic Restrictions

It’s true for the last 2 decades; the “end” of prophetism has brought lots of excesses & escapades. 

However, history accounts & details accurately that every move of God over the ages had its own exclusive & idiosyncratic challenges & battles. 

Over the years, we have seen many-sided insurrections & chaos in the administration of prophetism in their content & context. This is as a result of the proper lack of sacred & secular education, and the due enlightenment over its respective ethics, operability & methodology.

Notwithstanding, we cannot negate & disapprove the authenticity & genuinity of this ancient ministry. The Prophetic Movement in human history is the secret weapon of God. It’s God’s voice on the earth. It’s the very Mind of God for his people. The carrier of the secrets of God. The courier services of the divine.

In light of scripture, we have seen how kings over kingdoms; emperors & rulers of empires sought for the “MIND” of God before they made any move. They trusted in prophetic counsel; because they believed in the Voice of God on the Earth as Prophets. It’s an ancient mystery in light of Scripture & human history.

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I humbly propose as a young Prophet for the last 2 decades; who has extensively ministered & administered this ministry across the nations of the world, that due spiritual care & sensitivity must be given to the handling of this ministry. History records tales of how those who withstood & fought against the Prophetic Movement suffered the Judgement of God in a terrible fatality.

As we wrap the year; our focus must rather be seeking the face of God over 2022, and not try to hinder, obstruct & impeded the very ministry that contributed greatly in spirituality the installation of the current government.

We certainly give credence to the rule of law as a republic nation. Also, we greatly value the 1992 constitution as the fundamental guiding principle for jurisdiction of the nation.

However, spirituality in its large extent can not be regulated by human laws & bye laws. The spirit realm is a mystery. It’s operability & methodology is boundless. The man in the administration of the gift & ministry of the prophet can sometimes be in the “unknown” in perspective.

I know not everyone may agree with my humble plea for the Government of Ghana to exercise some due patience and decorum towards the Prophets. I pray you my reader will see the light and prayerfully agree in perspective. God bless you! God bless Ghana. God bless Africa.

Prophet Dr. Bernard Taylor (B.A Social Science, M.A Rel. Studies, Mphil Rel. Studies, Doctor of Humanities)

Destiny Empowerment Chapel Int.

Spintex Road, Accra. 

(Senior Pastor)

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