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Police investigate alleged murder of 90-year-old woman at Aflao

Police investigate alleged murder of 90-year-old woman at Aflao

The Aflao District Police Command has begun investigations into the alleged murder of a 90-year-old woman, at AflaoZiome, in the Ketu South Municipality of the Volta Region,

The late Madam DopuiGoha was allegedly killed on Sunday dawn at her home.

Superintendent of Police, BempahSarpong, the Aflao District Police Commander, who confirmed the alleged murder to the Ghana News Agency, said Daniel Sodetordzi, son of madam Goha, reported to the police that he received information that his mother could not be found.

SupSarpong said that Mr Sodetordzitold the police that when he (son) looked for her mother in the house, he could not find her but saw blood stains on the floor.

The Police Commander said when the police went to the house, in the company of madam Goha’srelative, Mr Emmanuel Jobbie, they saw the body of the woman on the floor covered with a cloth.

Sup Sarpongsaid before the police arrived at the house, the body was retrieved from a well about 80 metres away from the blood-stained floor.

He said the police suspected foul play and would invite some people to help in investigations into the case.

Sup Sarpongstated that the body of Madam Goha has been deposited at the Ketu South Municipal Hospitalmorgue.

Mr MawutorKpetsigo, Assembly Member for the area, said he was saddened by the alleged murder of the woman, who despite her age, was active, hardworking and engaged in businesses, including dealings in land. – GNA

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