Pentagon says the LAST US troops left Afghanistan just after midnight in Kabul

The Pentagon announced on Monday afternoon that the last American troops had left Kabul airport almost 24 hours ahead of schedule, ending the U.S. war in Afghanistan after 20 years and the deaths of almost 2500 troops.

Witnesses in Kabul said the Taliban let off celebratory gunfire as news circulated that the final U.S. flight had left.

It means President Biden managed to meet his August 31 deadline and removes American personnel from danger.

But it comes at the cost of letting a militant group retake the country and after the deaths of 13 U.S. service members last week. 

The end of the mission was announced by General Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, who said the  chief U.S. diplomat in Afghanistan, Ross Wilson, was on the last C-17 flight out. 

‘There’s a lot of heartbreak associated with this departure,’ he said.

‘We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out. 

‘But I think if we’d stayed another 10 days, we wouldn’t have gotten everybody out.’ 

The final C-17 lifted off from Hamid Karzai International Airport at 3:29 pm East Coast time.  

‘And the last manned aircraft is now clearing the airspace above Afghanistan,’ he added. 

Pentagon says the LAST US troops left Afghanistan just after midnight in Kabul

‘The last manned aircraft is now clearing the airspace above Afghanistan,’ said Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., commander of U.S. Central Command

A C-17 Globemaster takes off as Taliban fighters secure the outer perimeter, alongside the American controlled side of of the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Sunday. A day later the U.S. said the last flight had left

Word spread rapidly around Kabul as Taliban fighters lit up the sky with tracer rounds

The departure of American troops means the conflict ends with the Taliban back in power and Afghans deeply uncertain of what the future holds. 

A Taliban spokesman declared victory and said the country ‘gained complete independence,’ according to Al Jazeera TV.

‘The last five aircraft have left, it’s over,’ Hemad Sherzad, a Taliban fighter stationed at Kabul’s international airport, told the Associated Press. 

‘I cannot express my happiness in words. … Our 20 years of sacrifice worked.’

The last days of the withdrawal were the most difficult and dangerous. 

Troops had to get the remaining evacuees on to planes even as their own numbers and supplies were being flown out.

Officials repeatedly warned of the risk of further suicide attacks or rocket assaults. 

It was not supposed to be like this. Plans for an orderly departure evaporated as the Taliban advanced rapidly across the country as they capitalized on an Afghan army that fell apart when it knew its strongest army was leaving. 

McKenzie shrugged off questions about his feelings at leaving the country in the grip of religious hardliners that American had gone to war to vanquish. 

‘No words from me could possibly capture the full measure of sacrifices and accomplishments of those who serve, nor the emotions they’re feeling at this moment, but I will say that I’m proud that both my son and I have been a part of it,’ he said. 

The final flight out followed a difficult and dangerous period, as U.S. officials monitored multiple threats. On Monday morning five rockets were fired at Kabul airport from a car that caught fire afterwards

A girl stands next to a damaged car after multiple rockets were fired in Kabul on Monday

The rockets targeted the airport on Monday morning s the final US flights took off from Kabul. Other Western nations had already left the region and the final U.S. flight left soon after midnight on Tuesday morning local time

He said the last American civilians were flown out about 12 hours before the final flight. 

The withdrawal was dominated by a hurriedly thrown together evacuation effort. 

A coalition of countries worked around the clock to rescue their citizens and Afghans who worked for their militaries.

More than 122,000 people have been flown out of Kabul since Aug. 14, the day before the regained control of the country. 

It leaves those left behind in a perilous state.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said in a notice that Hamid Karzai International Airport was without air traffic control service after the U.S. exit. 

The Pentagon remained tight-lipped about its final operations on Monday and refused to discuss when its last troops would leave.

Earlier in the day, spokesman John Kirby told reporters ‘there is still time’ for Americans to join the massive airlift that has allowed more than 116,000 people to leave since the Taliban swept back into power two weeks ago.

President Joe Biden attended on Sunday the dignified transfer of the remains of service members killed in the Kabul airport attack last week

All day Monday, U.S. military transport jets came and went despite a rocket attack early in the morning. 

The crisis has been the biggest test of Biden’s presidency.

He has faced repeated questions about whether his decision triggered the collapse of the government in Kabul and the rapid return to power of the Taliban. 

International allies have said they blindsided by the rush to the exit, and Democrats and Republicans have delivered a withering stream of criticism.

On Sunday, he came to face to face with the consequences of his decision to bring home U.S. troops home.

He met families of 13 service members killed in a suicide attack outside Kabul airport, as they protected the evacuation, and then watched in solemn silence as their remains were carried from a C-17 transport plane at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.

Al Qaeda IS already back in Afghanistan: Bin Laden security chief and arms supplier Amin ul-Haq RETURNS to his hometown

A close aide of Osama bin Laden has returned to his home in Afghanistan after 20 years of US occupation just hours until American forces finish their evacuation from the war-torn country by President Joe Biden’s deadline, a video purports to show.

Amin ul-Haq, a top Al Qaeda arms supplier, returned to his hometown in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province on Monday just over two weeks after the Taliban completed its lightening fast offensive to take over nearly all of the country.

Ul-Haq headed bin Laden’s security when he was occupying the Tora Bora cave complex. The two men escaped together when US forces attacked the complex, according to NBC.

The Al Qaeda leader was killed by US forces in Pakistan in 2011.

A video appears to show top bin Laden deputy Amin ul-Haq’s return to his home town 20 years after he fled US forces

In the video, a car carrying ul-Haq is seen driving through a checkpoint amid a small crowd.

At one point the car stops and ul-Haq rolls down the window. Apparent admirers crowd the vehicle’s passenger side, with men taking turns grasping and even kissing the top Al Qaeda associate’s hand.

Two men take a few steps forward along with the slow-moving car in order to take a next to ul-Haq.

The car is then followed by a procession of vehicles carrying heavily-armed fighters, some flying the Taliban’s flag.

Asked about ul-Haq’s return to Afghanistan, the Pentagon told that it does not comment on intelligence matters.

His return in the last hours of the US withdrawal effort comes after roughly 122,300 people were evacuated since the end of July. Approximately 1,200 people were evacuated on US military and coalition flights as of Monday, bringing the total number of people moved out of Kabul since the Taliban’s takeover to 116,700.

Flights will continue on Monday – 17 jets are expected to take more than 3,000 people out of Kabul, the majority of whom are Afghan.

The US Treasury added ul-Haq to its list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists in 2001. He’s also sanctioned by the United Nations and the United Kingdom.

Since the militant group’s takeover, concerns have arisen that it would turn the country into a ripe environment for other terrorist organizations to grow.

Intelligence reports estimated an Al Qaeda resurgence within 18 to 24 months after the US withdrawal.

‘It is virtually certain that Al Qaeda will reestablish a safe haven in Afghanistan and use it to plot terrorism against the United States and others,’ former State Department coordinator Nathan Sales told the New York Times.  


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