Parents warn ‘children will be killed’ because of ‘selfish’ drivers parking outside school

Parents have given a grave warning that a child will be killed unless urgent action is taken to curb the parking chaos outside schools in Lincolnshire.

Parents of pupils at schools in Grimsby – including Scartho Junior Academy, Tollbar Academy, Cleethorpes Academy and New Waltham Academy – have warned that children are in danger due to ‘selfish’ drivers.

Just a few days into the new school term, Scartho Junior Academy has already seen a few ‘near misses’ due to drivers’ careless and ‘concerning’ parking.

Parents have been seen pulling up on to the pavement, doing three-point turns on the road and blocking residents’ driveways, with locals claiming it creates a ‘danger’ for children.

Parents warn ‘children will be killed’ because of ‘selfish’ drivers parking outside school

Parents of pupils at schools in Grimsby – including Scartho Junior Academy, Tollbar Academy, Cleethorpes Academy and New Waltham Academy – have warned that children are in danger due to ‘selfish’ drivers

Stacey Revell, who walks her sons Freddy, nine, and Ronny, seven, (all pictured) to and from Scartho Junior Academy, warned that it is only a matter of time before a ‘child gets killed’

A pupil was knocked down on Edge Avenue two years ago and parents are concerned it could happen again as children are ‘distracted’ by their phones rather than observing road safety.

Stacey Revell, who walks her sons Freddy, nine, and Ronny, seven, to and from school from Conyers Avenue, claimed she saw ‘two near misses’ in just one week and warned that it is only a matter of time before a ‘child gets killed’.

She said: ‘It is just a matter of time before a child gets killed. I have seen two near misses this week.

‘I nearly got hit by a car when it pulled up on to the pavement. There are others trying to do three-point turns.

‘It is the same cars every day – we are back to the stupid parking again. It is a danger to all the children. 

‘But where I live there is plenty of space for people to park and walk down to the school but they don’t bother.’ 

But the school’s principal Neville Rice has been subject to torrents of verbal abuse for advising parents not to park near the school.

He said: ‘Over the 18 months of the pandemic it was not as bad because of lockdowns and staggered school times. But the problem has returned.

Some parents were rude to me and swore and said that as soon as I walked back to the school they will go back to parking where they want.

‘We recommend children cycle to school or scooter. There are avenues round about where people can park and walk to school. 

‘But it gets chaotic when they park on the junction, sometimes on the lines, so that when staff attempt to leave it becomes a blind junction and makes it very difficult.’ 

Ms Revell said there had been repeated calls to North East Lincolnshire Council to try to resolve the parking problem.

She said: ‘They send a parking enforcement officer along but the next day the parents’ cars are back on the pavement and often blocking people’s drives. 

‘You always see them parked on the zig-zag lines.’ 

School leaders across North East Lincolnshire have urged parents to be considerate when collecting or dropping off children.

Elsewhere at Tollbar Academy in New Waltham, Grimsby, parents are regularly seen parking half on the pavement and half on the busy Louth Road, between the traffic light crossing and the bus stop.

Cars are often parked up idling and with indicators on, appearing as if they are not parked, to avoid prosecution.

Councillors are concerned by the rising number of reports of near-misses and concerns for children, many of whom are distracted by their mobile phones rather than observing road safety, said one councillor.

New Waltham parish councillor, George Baker said he was subjected to abuse from one parent who parked in his driveway.

He said an agreement was reached when developers Barratt Homes had permission to build 240 homes off Station Road, that a new 50-vehicle drop-off layby would be built.

He said: ‘People aren’t going to use it. They are lazy and if you challenge people you get a load of abuse. 

‘I had someone telling me off for asking why they were parked in my driveway. To cap it they tipped their car ashtray on to my lawn.’

He called for railings to be installed in Louth Road and extended towards the bus stop to prevent people parking on the pavements.

Councillor Baker said: ‘The queues of traffic are definitely getting longer with people going back to their work and the schools opening up again.’

Fellow councillor Roger Breed said he will be conducting a roadside assessment in the coming days as he is concerned by the number of cars parking bumper to bumper along Station Road waiting to collect children.

He said: ‘We will be conducting our own independent pollution monitoring as we are disgusted the issue of traffic pollution and its impact on children is not taken more seriously.

‘We will get our own figures at peak times. There have been so many near misses and it is a worry, especially as children bury their heads in their phones so much.’

Councillor Breed said the parish council installed bollards around the village green and war memorial to protect it from parents parking inconsiderately around New Waltham Academy. 

Parents of students at Grimsby’s Edward Heneage Academy children also complained of inconsiderate parking by parents on Edward Street.

Concerned parents claimed drivers are reversing the whole length of the street instead of parking in a nearby street and walking.

Residents at At Halton Place, Cleethorpes, blocked off the entrance to their road with wheelie bins due to inconsiderate parking, often over residents’ driveways.

Cleethorpes Academy students going to and from the gateway were still able to use the pavements.

A spokeswoman for Tollbar Academy Trust, which runs both Tollbar and Cleethorpes Academy, said they were unaware of problems at the Tollbar site.

In relation to Halton Place, she said: ‘The Academy is now using both entrances for the arrival and departure of its 900 students, with staff on hand morning and evening to monitor them. 

‘This has made a big difference to child safety. We are unaware of any further parking problems.’

Further talks are due to take place with highways officials to curb illegal parking in Halton Place.

At New Waltham Academy, Humberside Police beat manager PC Dave Cave set children a competition to design a poster highlighting parking safely outside of school.

Headteacher, Jayne Perry said: ‘Parking around school and, specifically outside the school, has historically been a concern for parents and staff at New Waltham Academy.

‘The school council launched a project designing their own leaflet a few years ago, as it was concerning them too that their safety was being put at risk.’

She stressed how parents had a role to play in keeping children safe at the school entrance and park with consideration.

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