NYC drug store shelves are left empty

NYC drug store shelves are left empty at CVS, Duane Reade and Walgreens due to mounting supply chain crisis

  • New York City pharmacies are experiencing product shortages thanks to supply chain issues 
  • Shelves in chain stores such as CVS, Walgreens and Duane Reade have ben let virtually bare
  • Panic buying and stockpiling among shoppers is thought to be contributing to the problem 
  • Cargo ships have been waiting up to four weeks to dock at US ports to offload their goods 
  • A lack of manpower to unload them and move the good around the US is causing a big backlog   

Shelves in pharmacies across New York City have been left nearly barren because supplies are not getting through.

Stores such as CVS, Walgreens and Duane Reade are all running very low on goods.

Supplies are being held up on cargo ships that are taking up t four weeks to dock at US ports.

A lack of manpower to unload them and to drive goods around the US is causing a giant backlog

Experts have warned the government to intervene or face spiraling inflation and unemployment. 

NYC drug store shelves are left empty

There are issues with the tissues at this CVS in Queens where they appear to be in short supply

Shelves in pharmacies across New York City are running near empty. Pictured, a CVS in Queens

Much-needed household from toothpaste to detergent are out of stock. Pictured, a CVS in Queens 

‘It looks like the Third World,’ one Manhattan resident complained to the New York Post.      

The backlog of billions of dollars of toys, clothing, electronics, vehicles, and furniture comes as the demand for consumer goods hit its highest point in history as consumers stay home instead of spending money on travel and entertainment.

Supply chains have lagged far behind consumer demand due to a lack of manpower at American ports and the restrictions that came with the COVID-19 outbreak early last year. These constraints, which include social distancing and mandatory quarantines, have severely limited the number and ability of port workers to do their jobs. 

Even the cereal aisle is suffering. Pictured, a CVS Pharmacy in Queens

Boxes of tissues are hard to come by at this CVS in Queens

Diapers are also in short supply at a CVS in Queens

Paper towel is a hot commodity at this Walgreens in Queens where the shelves look bare

Bottled water in on the cusp of running dry

Pictured a Walgreens store in Queens

Floor cleaner is another hot commodity at the CVS in Queens in New York having almost sold out

 ‘Global infrastructure was not designed to handle goods at such a rate,’ a logistics expert, who asked not to be named, told

‘Supply chains are the artery who feeds our entire ecosystem. The government needs to intervene to stop this crisis immediately, or face increased inflation and unemployment, and economic breakdown – or face an end to global trade.’


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