Novak Djokovic’s dad unleashes BRUTAL rant at Scott Morrison branding him a ‘dictator’

Novak Djokovic’s dad unleashes BRUTAL rant at Scott Morrison branding him a ‘dictator’ and calling on the QUEEN to protect his ‘tortured’ tennis star son – comparing his treatment to Guantanamo Bay

  • Novak Djokovic’s father has launched a verbal tirade over visa debacle  

Novak Djokovic‘s father has unleashed a brutal verbal tirade against Australia’s Prime Minister, labelling him a ‘dictator’ and calling on the Queen to step in after the tennis champion’s visa debacle. 

The 34-year old world No.1 tennis star was released from immigration detention on Monday evening after a Federal Court hearing resulted in the decision to cancel his entry visa being overturned. 

Speaking to Serbian media in his native language shortly after, Srdjan Djokovic said Australia had turned it’s back on the ‘ideals of the free world’. 

‘Autocracy has shown its true face today. Contrary to the decision of the Independent Court of Australia, dictator Scott ordered the arrest of my son, Your World Champion, Novak Djokovic, and deportation, banning him from entering the country for three long years,’ Srdjan Djokovic said.

‘The court showed that law exists in Australia, but Scott dared to take justice into his own hands.

‘I call on the Queen of Britain, Elizabeth, the leader of the Commonwealth, to intervene and protect the human rights of my son Novak Djokovic and to stop the political prosecution that has been carried out against him since he came to Australia.

‘I appeal to the Queen of Britain, Elizabeth, to intervene and stop the torture carried out over the multiple Wimbledon champion, decorated by Prince William for achievements in philanthropy.’ 

More to follow. 

Novak Djokovic’s dad unleashes BRUTAL rant at Scott Morrison branding him a ‘dictator’

The world No.1 tennis champ (pictured) had his Australian visa cancellation overturned on Monday and is clear to play in the Australian Open Gran Slam


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