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“My hustle pay off pass yahoo” – Portable reveals as he show off his gadgets

Popular street-hop artist, Habeeb Okikiola, also known as Portable has claimed that his hustle as a musician pays him more than online fraudsters make.

The Zazuu star made the audacious claim in a video that went viral while displaying the costly gadgets he was able to purchase using money earned from music.

Portable, who has always claimed that he does not participate in fraudulent operations stated that Yahoo money and legal money should never be compared.

He displayed an Apple MacBook as well as two new phones, an iPhone 13 and a 14 model.

Watch the video below;

In other news, Big Brother Titans housemate, Nana caused a stir after she made a startling revelation about her life before the reality show.

The 22-year-old from Kaduna state revealed during a conversation with fellow housemates Yvonne, Jenni O, Yaya, and Olivia on Friday that she worked as an escort before the show.

According to her, she attracted her customers, who were mostly senators, using aphrodisiacs popularly known as Kayanmata.

She added that her only regret was that she didn’t save and lavished all her earnings. She however noted that she is wise now and that the big men should get ready for her when she comes out of the house.

Watch her speak here.

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