Moment Greenpeace ship narrowly squeezes underneath 177ft-high bridge on way to COP26

Moment Greenpeace ship narrowly squeezes underneath 177ft-high bridge on way to COP26 after stand-off with port authorities as police are forced to close it to traffic

The Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior sparked travel chaos around Glasgow today when it was refused permission to dock near the COP26 climate change summit.

Activists on board the vessel sailed towards Glasgow on the River Clyde for the climate summit. But police banned the boat from entering water near the campus.

A confrontation was avoided and compromise reached at the 11th hour when police agreed the boat could continue and dock at Govan Dock, two miles from the conference venue.

But traffic chaos ensued as police shut roads around Erskine Bridge, which is over the River Clyde and around 15 miles from the venue.

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Moment Greenpeace ship narrowly squeezes underneath 177ft-high bridge on way to COP26

Activists on board the vessel sailed towards Glasgow on the River Clyde for the climate summit. A confrontation was avoided and compromise reached at the 11th hour when police agreed the boat could continue and dock at Govan Dock

A Greenpeace activist on board the boat told MailOnline: ‘The captain has decided to ignore the warnings from the port authority and will continue the ship’s journey, as the activists’ message and presence at COP26 is fundamental to its success.

‘The highest part of our boat is 54 meters and the police have told us that Erskine Bridge is 54m in height so we are counting on a low tide to help us through.

‘The bridge will be closed to traffic as well as the roads around it.’

A Greenpeace spokesman said the organisation did not understand why it hadn’t been welcomed to the conference when all ‘are singing from the same hymn sheet’ on climate change.

Rainbow Warrior is carrying four youth climate activists onboard the ship who are members of Fridays for Future MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas).

They are from four countries across three continents – Namibia, Uganda, Mexico and Bangladesh – and are demanding that world leaders must ‘stop failing us.’

Police set up roadblocks along the banks of the River Clyde and officers were stationed at various points along the water.

A helicopter hovered above as traffic was diverted away from Erskine Bridge.

Police also launched a boat to accompany rainbow Warrior, with Captain Hettie Geenen at the helm, towards Glasgow.


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