Moment Florida man goes to extreme measures to stop girlfriend getting his phone passcode

Bodycam footage captured the moment a Florida man jumped in the ocean to avoid giving his girlfriend his phone passcode. 

The man, who named himself only as AJ to Florida law enforcement, was seen in footage from April making numerous attempts to get away from both cops and his partner while out on the water. 

Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) cops approached their vessel seemingly for a separate report, but found it was in violation of a number of maritime codes. 

After claiming he didn’t have an ID, attempts to get into his phone led AJ to jump into the ocean in a bungled getaway. 

Moment Florida man goes to extreme measures to stop girlfriend getting his phone passcode

Bodycam footage captured the moment a Florida man went to extreme measures to avoid giving his girlfriend his phone passcode

The footage racked up over a million views after it was shared to YouTube.

It begins with two female FWC officers approaching AJ and his girlfriend on their boat, saying they were searching for a vessel that had been called in. 

It is unclear what occurred that led to the incident, although WTXL reports that the FWC handled an accident on the water that day where one person died after two boats collided. 

After it quickly became apparent that AJ’s boat was not the vessel they were searching for, the two officers said they spotted a number of code violations. 

He claimed that the boat was a friend’s that he was borrowing, and readily gave his name and said he ‘works on the Gulf Stream.’ 

The man appeared to grow nervous and angry as he continued to be questioned by the two officers, protesting his innocence before any crime was put to him. 

At one stage, he asks them: ‘Are you just out here trying to catch people breaking laws on the water?’ 

‘You are!’ one responds, before the other adds: ‘Obviously we’re addressing violations because we’re cops and that’s what we do.’ 

The man, who identified himself only as ‘AJ’, appeared to spark concern among the officers as he became nervous and jittery as they questioned him 

The FWC officers argued with him during the confrontation, as he seemingly thought that swimming away would allow him to avoid arrest 

AJ’s girlfriend repeatedly pleaded for him to ‘calm down’, with his attitude leading the officers to probe whether he had any outstanding warrants to his name. 

‘Usually when people start acting like that is because they’ve got a warrant,’ one of the officers says. 

As the cops call his name in to establish if he had a warrant, AJ failed to find a loophole as he asked if he could flee the scene before he was technically arrested. 

After being told doing so would add a charge of evading an arrest, he continued protesting his innocence, telling the cops: ‘Do you really feel like I need to go to jail today?’ 

‘It’s not fair, this is not fair’ he continued, while the officers and his girlfriend urged him to calm down. 

His girlfriend then pulled out his phone and repeatedly asked him to unlock it, telling him she ‘can’t help unless you give me the password to your phone.’ 

AJ moved to the side of the boat, and told the officers they could hand him any penalty they wanted ‘but you’re not taking me to jail today.’ 

He then jumped into the water, although it is unclear how he thought he would flee the scene with the FWC boat riding alongside him.  

‘You’re telling me I’m resisting and I’m not,’ he said from the water. 

AJ’s girlfriend repeatedly ordered him to give her his phone password during the arrest 

As he jumped into the water, his girlfriend told him: ‘We are done after this, I’m telling you… I’m leaving’ 

The mindless getaway attempt didn’t work as the officers easily caught up with AJ, before they slapped handcuffs on him and took him into custody 

As the officers ordered him to get back in the boat, his girlfriend could again be heard urging him to ‘give me the code’ to his phone. 

‘We are done after this, I’m telling you,’ she continued. ‘I’m leaving.’ 

Once in the water, he waded around for several minutes as he ignored officers telling him to come back to the FWC boat.  

The bizarre ordeal ended as the cops said they were ‘done’, hopping out of their boat and putting him in handcuffs. 

The officers then walked him to the shoreline where another cop was waiting. 

It is unclear what he was charged with, and the FWC did not immediately respond to a request for clarification when contacted by 

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