Moment Florida cops take down woman, 76, who fatally shot her terminally ill husband

This is the moment members of the Daytona Beach police force confronted an elderly woman who had allegedly just shot dead her terminally-ill husband after making a murder-suicide pact with him weeks earlier.

The department released a portion of the body-camera footage that shows officers attempting to negotiate with Ellen Gilland, 76, who had just shot Jerry Gilland, 77.

The tragic situation unfolded on Saturday at AdventHealth in Daytona Beach, Florida when 76-year-old Ellen Gilland shot and killed her husband after the couple had planned out a murder-suicide agreement.

The body-camera footage picks up after the shooting as several officers gather outside the hospital room, inside of which Ellen shot her husband and proceeded have a stand off with law enforcement.

Moment Florida cops take down woman, 76, who fatally shot her terminally ill husband

Ellen Gilland (right) and her now-deceased husband Jerry Gilland (left), whom she shot on Saturday while he was hospitalized with a terminal illness

The officer on tape can be heard repeatedly ordering Ellen to ‘drop the gun.’

When their orders appear to go unmet, one of the men says, ‘we’ve got time. We’ve got nothing but time, guys.’

Officers continue to ask that Ellen drop the gun before the same cop who delivered the time advisory said instructed the others to ‘hold on. Build dialogue.’

He then says to Ellen, ‘We don’t want to hurt you. Tell me what’s going on.’

He continues to attempt conversation with Ellen, but her words, if there were any, were not picked up by the body camera.

Near the end of the video, the footage jumps to Ellen being wheeled out of the hospital, hands bound, in a wheelchair.

Police records indicate the officers attempted to negotiate with her for upwards of two-and-a-half hours.

Eventually, SWAT officers distracted her with a flashbang and attempted, unsuccessfully, to use a taser on her.

She fired a shot into the ceiling before dropping her weapon, according to investigators. She was ultimately arrested without further incident.

Daytona Beach police negotiate with woman accused of killing terminally ill husband in hospital – Ellen Gilland

Ellen (right) and Jerry (left) celebrated their 50th anniversary together in 2019

Gilland told officers that her 77-year-old husband Jerry Gilland had been ill for some time and they had planned the shooting together, according to officers

She was charged with first degree premeditated murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. She is being held without bail

Law enforcement agents reported that Ellen told them she and her terminally ill 77-year-old husband Jerry had planned the shooting together three weeks ago.

The area’s Chief of Police, Jakari Young, later said the shooting was intended to be a murder-suicide.

‘The goal was for him to do it, but he did not have the strength, so she had to carry it out for him,’ said Young.

Gilland was later brought up on charges of premeditated first-degree murder and three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

She is currently being held without bond.

Over the weekend, Young said the couple has apparently ‘had a conversation about it and they actually planned this approximately three weeks ago that if he continued to take a turn for the worst that he wanted her to end this.’

‘She’s very sad,’ he added. ‘This is obviously a – it’s a tough situation.’ 

He noted that police are ‘unsure how she brought that gun into the hospital, but this was planned.’ 

Ellen was eventually escorted unharmed from the hospital, hands bound and in a wheelchair following a two-and-a-half hour negotiation

The Gillands, according to neighbors led a relatively quiet life together in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, a coastal area just south of Daytona Beach

Young said the plan was that Jerry Gilland was originally going to shoot himself but did not have the strength.  

‘It’s a tragic circumstance because it just shows that none of us are immune from the trials and tribulations of life,’ he continued.. 

Ellen Gilland did not harm herself and no one else was wounded during the altercation.

‘Even after the initial shooting, she never tried to get up and leave, so everything was confined to the room,’ Young said. ‘At no time were any of the hospital staff threatened, or any other patients.’ 

Part of the hospital was evacuated and some doctors, nurses and others took cover in locked closets and rooms.

It is unclear with what kind of terminal illness Jerry was afflicted.

The entire incident was described as a logistical nightmare by first responders and hospital staff as they rushed to evacuate other hospital patients on the floor.

The hospital has since resumed normal operations. 

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