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Minister of Public Enterprises urges GPHA to maintain profitable operations

Minister of Public Enterprises urges GPHA to maintain profitable operations

Business News of Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Source: Eye on Port


Esther Gyebi-Donkor (middle) pictured with members of the Port Journalists Network

The Minister of Public Enterprises, Joseph Cudjoe, has encouraged the Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority to continue to position its operations to maintain profitability, as it operates, manages, and develops one of Ghana’s key assets, the ports.

Speaking during a courtesy visit to the management of GPHA, the minister stated that it is the president’s vision to see to the sustenance of public enterprises, hence the creation of the Ministry of Public Enterprises to provide an ownership and governance structure to these corporate bodies.

He said, “for the first in our history, the President is bringing the same structure we see in the private enterprises and aligning that with the state enterprises.”

The Director-General of the Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority, Michael Luguje revealed the strides taken by the Port Authority in partnership with the private sector to put in place the necessary port infrastructure comparable to world-class standards despite financial constraints.

He said that “if you go to the advanced countries, government advances money for all the basic port infrastructure like dredging works, quay walls and breakwaters, the reclamation of land and other basic marine works. In our part of the world, given the constraints of government, the Port Authority must generate its own resources for all these functions.”

The delegation from the ministry was briefed further on GPHA’s operations and plans for the port sector.

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