Melbourne home renovation company Ultimate Kitchen and Bathrooms collapses

Yet another Australian building company has collapsed leaving behind half-finished projects and unpaid tradies in its wake.

Based out of Hawthorn, East of Melbourne‘s CBD, kitchen and bathroom renovation company Ultimate Kitchens & Bathrooms was placed into liquidation on October 31.

Consumer Affairs Victoria had issued a public warning about the business the day after their collapse having received an ‘influx of concerning contacts relating to the company’s operations’. 

The watchdog claims the company had received payments and taken on jobs but failed to ‘fulfil consumer contracts… (or) respond to customers’.

It is just the latest of hundreds of building companies that have collapsed throughout 2023.

More to come. 

Melbourne home renovation company Ultimate Kitchen and Bathrooms collapses

Yet another Australian building company, Ultimate Kitchens & Bathrooms, has collapsed leaving behind half-finished projects and unpaid tradies in its wake (stock image)

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