Marilyn Manson denies ‘brazen’ and ‘easy to disprove’ on-set rape allegation by Evan Rachel Wood

Marilyn Manson has denied shocking allegations from his ex-girlfriend Evan Rachel Wood, after she claimed he ‘essentially raped’ her during a music video shoot, urged her to carve his initial into her pelvis, and decorated their home with Nazi propaganda knowing that she is Jewish. 

Wood, 34, began her tumultuous relationship with 53-year-old Manson, real name Brian Warner, when she was just 18 — and she has since accused her of grooming her and abusing her. 

The actress goes into more depth about the experience in Amy Berg’s new documentary ‘Phoenix Rising – Part I: Don’t Fall,’ which premiered on Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival and will air on HBO in March.

Manson’s lawyers on Monday said that Wood’s allegations of raping her in a music video were ‘brazen’ and easily debunked. 

‘Of all the false claims that Evan Rachel Wood has made about Brian Warner, her imaginative retelling of the making of the ‘Heart-Shaped Glasses’ music video 15 years ago is the most brazen and easiest to disprove, because there were multiple witnesses,’ said his lawyer, Howard King.

Marilyn Manson denies ‘brazen’ and ‘easy to disprove’ on-set rape allegation by Evan Rachel Wood

Evan Rachel Wood, pictured in 2007 with Marilyn Manson, has accused him of raping her on the set of a music video. On Monday, he denied her allegation

Woods also reveals that when she was 19, Manson allegedly raped her on camera in front of other people while making the 2007 music video ‘Heart-Shaped Glasses’

Wood is seen in 2017 at the Emmy Awards. She was with Manson from 2007-11

‘Evan was not only fully coherent and engaged during the three-day shoot but also heavily involved in weeks of pre-production planning and days of post-production editing of the final cut.

‘The simulated sex scene took several hours to shoot with multiple takes using different angles and several long breaks in between camera setups.

‘Brian did not have sex with Evan on that set, and she knows that is the truth.’

King did not address the other allegations made by Wood. 

In the documentary, she says that during their four-and-a-half-year on-and-off relationship, Manson emotionally abused her, threatened her life, sexually assaulted her, separated her from her friends and family, and bombarded her with antisemitic symbols and messages.  

Evan Rachel Wood has shared more horrific details of the abuse she allegedly suffered at the hands of ex-boyfriend Marilyn Manson (pictured together in 2007)

Wood (pictured in March 2020), now 34, began her tumultuous relationship with 53-year-old Manson, real name Brian Warner, when she was just 18

In the film, Wood describes growing up near Raleigh, North Carolina and being raised to push through things even when she was uncomfortable, according to USA Today.

In one case, that meant that when she was 14, she kissed a 23-year-old man on set for the 2003 film ‘Thirteen’ while a room full of people looked on.

‘I remember not wanting to do it, but I knew that the character needed to and so it didn’t matter what Evan wanted. It just had to be done,’ she says in the film.

She continued to be a lost and insecure teenager, which she says made her a prime target for someone like Manson.

‘I didn’t know where to go, so I was the perfect candidate for somebody to pop up and say, ‘Come with me,” she says.

The pair met in 2006 when she was just 18 and he 37. 

At the time, Manson was married to Dita von Teese, and Wood had a boyfriend — but Manson struck up a conversation with her and shared an interest in working with her. 

It was under the guise of this professional relationship — Manson told Wood he wanted her to be in a film he was working on — that she went to his house one night and they drank absinthe. 

The actress goes into more depth about the experience in Amy Berg’s new documentary ‘Phoenix Rising – Part I: Don’t Fall,’ which premiered on Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival

She says that at one point, he carved her initial into his skin and she carved his ‘right next to my vagina to show him that I belonged to him’

She recalls how he suddenly kissed her, that he ‘stuck his tongue down my throat… Everything went white and I just didn’t know how to respond.’

Things escalated, and ‘it ended with him on top of me and then it was over and I felt really weird and very icky. I wasn’t even really attracted to him.’

But the two did end up dating, and she describes how he would give her odd compliments attached to insults and threats of violence, like ‘you’re so important to me I want to kick you.’

He’s say other odd things, like ‘I’m your vampire,’ ‘You are the blood in my heart’ and ‘I want to stay with you forever.’

Over time, she says, he isolated her from her friends and family.

‘He has studied this,’ says Wood’s mother, Sara Lynn Moore, according to the Daily Beast. ‘He’s studied how to manipulate people. He’s a predator — he’s a predator.’ 

The abuse escalated, and at one point, Wood says they each carved the other’s initials into themselves. 

‘Scarification and branding was part of it,’ she says. ‘He carved an E [into his skin] and I carved an M … as a way to show ownership and loyalty. And I carved it right next to my vagina to show him that I belonged to him.’

Manson also began showing an interested in Nazis — knowing full well that Wood herself is Jewish.

Wood previously spoke out about the tattoo he got during their relationship, which has four Ms in the shape of a swastika (seen) 

‘At one point, over the side of the bed where I slept, he wrote ‘kill all the Jews’ on our bedroom wall,’ she said

On Instagram, she talked about ‘humiliation’ and ‘blackmail’ and how she was given ‘large amounts of drugs and alcohol’ when she was under 21

She says he would paint and fill his work with swastikas and other Nazi propaganda, which he also put around their home.

‘At one point, over the side of the bed where I slept, he wrote ‘kill all the Jews’ on our bedroom wall,’ she said.

He also told her that Hitler was ‘the first rock star because Hitler was stylish, he was well spoken, and he knew how to manipulate the masses.’ 

She says he made fun of her for being Jewish, and also made fun of her when she got upset about his antisemitism. 

Wood has spoken about his antisemitism before, and wrote on Instagram early last year how the ‘he would draw swastikas over my bedside table when he was mad at me.’

‘Because [my mom] converted and wasn’t of Jewish decent [sic] he would say things like, ‘that’s better’ because I wasn’t ‘blood Jewish,” she said at the time.

She also revealed that during the course of their relationship, he got new tattoos, including a swastika on his chest and a skull and bones on his arm that looks like a Totenkopf, another Nazi symbol. 

In the new documentary, Woods also reveals that when she was 19, Manson allegedly raped her on camera in front of other people. 

She had agreed to be in his music video for ‘Heart-Shaped Glasses,’ but things did not go as expected. 

‘That’s when the first crime was committed against me and I was essentially raped on camera,’ she says (pictured together in 2007)

‘We had discussed a simulated sex scene, but once the cameras were rolling, he started penetrating me for real. I had never agreed to that,’ she says, according to Pitchfork.

‘I’m a professional actress, I have been doing this my whole life, I’d never been on a set that unprofessional in my life up until this day. It was complete chaos, and I did not feel safe. No one was looking after me.

‘It was a really traumatizing experience filming the video. I didn’t know how to advocate for myself or know how to say no because I had been conditioned and trained to never talk back — to just soldier through. 

‘I felt disgusting and like I had done something shameful, and I could tell that the crew was very uncomfortable and nobody knew what to do. I was coerced into a commercial sex act under false pretenses. 

‘That’s when the first crime was committed against me and I was essentially raped on camera,’ she continues, adding that it was ‘just the beginning of the violence that would keep escalating over the course of the relationship.’ 

Woods kept the abuse to herself until 2016, when she publicly spoke about it for the first time — though she did not name her abuser.   

Still, other women seemed to know exactly whom she was talking about and reached out with similar stories 

‘It was like finding out that you had dated a serial killer,’ she says.

Woods first discussed abused in 2016 but didn’t name her alleged abuser until last year with this statement 

She publicly named him as her abused for the first time in February 2021, after she began filming this documentary in 2020.

‘I don’t remember what it feels like to not be scared. I will never be the same,’ she says. 

‘I’m still terrified to name Brian publicly. I want to name him, it’s all I want to do. I have received a number of threatening messages saying to shut my mouth, people know where I live. 

‘Brian also made it clear that if I ever said anything, he would come after me. He once told me he would f*** up my whole family from the bottom up and he would start with my dad. I have a child and it’s really scary.’

She adds: ‘This isn’t about revenge, or, ‘He’s a monster and he needs to be punished and destroyed.’ He’s already destroyed. That man is not a man anymore; he is gone.’ 

Since Wood first spoke out, multiple allegations have gone out against Manson, resulting in criminal investigations. He has also been dropped by his agents and record label. 

In response to the film, Manson’s lawyers say he ‘vehemently denies any and all claims of sexual assault or abuse of anyone.’ 

‘These lurid claims against my client have three things in common — they are all false, alleged to have taken place more than a decade ago and part of a coordinated attack by former partners and associates of Mr. Warner who have weaponized the otherwise mundane details of his personal life and their consensual relationships into fabricated horror stories,’ reads the statement, which was issued in November. 

In her statement naming Manson last year, Wood said: ‘The name of my abuser is Brian Warner, also known to the world as Marilyn Manson. He started grooming me when I was a teenager and horrifically abused me for years.  

‘I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I am done living in fear of retaliation, slander, or blackmail. I am here to expose this dangerous man and call out the many industries that have enabled him, before he ruins any more lives.

‘I stand with the many victims who will no longer be silent.’ 

She also posted screenshots of tweets written by Dan Cleary, Manson’s former assistant in December 2020, who said that he knew Wood when she was with Manson and that by the end of their relationship, he had ‘broken’ her. 

Around the same time that she came forward, four other women — Ashley Walters, Sarah McNeilly, Ashley Lindsay Morgan and a woman who gave her name only as Gabriella — posted similar statements on Instagram. 

In their statements, they detailed ‘harrowing experiences that they claim included sexual assault, psychological abuse, and/or various forms of coercion, violence, and intimidation.’

The number of accusers continued to grow. Game of Thrones star Esme Bianco said he would tell her he wanted to ‘murder other women’ and ‘sneak down to the room where I was sleeping and rape me’ in text messages,’ among other allegations.

Marilyn Manson’s alleged victims 

Evan Rachel Wood

Westworld star Wood was engaged to Manson for eight months in 2010. 

The pair went public with their relationship in 2007. She was 20 at the time. 

She has in the past spoken about being abused, and testified before Congress in 2018 about being raped as part of a campaign to change domestic violence laws. She did not name her abuser at the time. 

In her statement naming him, she wrote: ‘The name of my abuser is Brian Warner, also known to the world as Marilyn Manson.  He started grooming me when I was a teenager and horrifically abused me for years.  

‘I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I am done living in fear of retaliation, slander, or blackmail. I am here to expose this dangerous man and call out the many industries that have enabled him, before he ruins any more lives.

Ashley Walters

The photographer from Los Angeles said Manson contacted her on social media asking to collaborate and the pair then met up.

She started working as a personal assistant to the rocker and the pair become close, but then he started becoming violent, she says.

Walters claims he would throw plates at her and even offered her up for sexual relationships with collaborators. 

In her statement last year, she said: ‘I continue to suffer from PTSD, and struggle with depression. I stayed in touch with quite a few people who went through their own traumas, under his control. 

‘As we all struggled, as survivors do, to get on with our lives, I’d keep hearing stories disturbingly similar to our own experiences. It became clear the abuse he’s caused; he continues to inflict on so many and I cannot stand by and let this happen to others. Brian Warner needs to be held accountable.’

Sarah McNeilly

Los Angeles-based model Sarah McNeilly said Manson ‘lured’ her in by acting loving but then turned violent.

She claims he threw her against a wall, threatened to bash her face in with a baseball bat, locked her in a room when she was ‘bad,’ and verbally berated her for ‘hours.’

She said in her statement: ‘I have been afraid to bring any spotlight upon myself as to avoid winding up in his crosshairs again. 

‘As a result of the way he treated me, I suffer from mental health issues and PTSD that have affected my personal and professional relationships, self-worth and personal goals. 

‘I believe he gets off on ruining people’s lives. I stand in support of all that have and all will come forward. I want to see Brian held accountable for his evil.’

Ashley Lindsay Morgan

The model was working in Thailand in 2009 when she met Manson through a mutual friend. 

They started talking and texting for months and he flew her to Los Angeles. 

She did not detail how long they spent together but alleged abuse and said he also asked her to bring him Nazi memorabilia from Asia, even though she is Jewish.

She says she also ‘wasn’t allowed to eat or sleep or leave’ his home.  

Morgan said: ‘I have night terrors, PTSD, anxiety, and mostly crippling OCD. 

‘I try to wash constantly to get him out or off of me. … I am coming forward so he will finally stop.’


Gabriella, an artist, said she met Manson in 2015 when she was 22 and he was 46 backstage at one of his shows.

Like the other alleged victims, she said the rocker was loving at first before turning violent.  

Among her claims is that he forced her to take drugs with him and that they made a blood pact. 

She said: ‘It has taken me five years to speak out and say that I was in an abusive relationship. I have been diagnosed with PTSD and still suffer from nightmares. 

‘I blocked out a lot of the memories, but the feelings remain and manifest in various ways. The reason I’m finally sharing this traumatic experience is for my healing and because I’m done being silent. 

‘I don’t believe it’s fair for someone to not be held accountable for their horrific actions. I’m not a victim. I’m a survivor.’  

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