Loose Women star Katie Piper who was left blind in one eye after acid attack donates £1,000 to support mother maimed by Abdul Ezedi in Clapham

Loose Women star Katie Piper has donated £1,000 to support the mother who was allegedly ‘maimed by Abdul Ezedi’.

Ms Piper, 40, who herself was a victim of a horrific acid attack, posted about the  GoFundMe which was set to help support the family who were attacked in Clapham on January 31.

The hurt woman, 31, who may lose sight in her right eye, remains sedated in hospital and is too poorly to speak due to her ‘significant injuries’, police said.

While her two daughters, aged eight and three, were also doused with a corrosive liquid, with horrified neighbours witnessing the sickening moment one of the girls, who was wearing school a uniform, was thrown to the floor. 

Both children have been discharged from hospital. 

The authorities are still hunting for suspect Abdul Ezedi and believe that the 35-year-old entered the water near Chelsea Bridge in west London after carrying out the attack on January 31.

Loose Women star Katie Piper who was left blind in one eye after acid attack donates £1,000 to support mother maimed by Abdul Ezedi in Clapham

Ms Piper, 40, who herself was a victim of a horrific acid attack, posted about the GoFundMe which was set to help support the family

The authorities are still hunting for suspect Abdul Ezedi 

Police believe the Ezedi entered the water near Chelsea Bridge in west London after carrying out the attack on January 31

Police attend the scene of a chemical attack in Lessar Avenue, south London, on January 31 

Ms Piper posted about the fundraising page on her Instagram 

Ms Piper took to Instagram and posted a screenshot of the page and wrote: ‘I know from all of your messages and comments many of you are looking for a way to support the lady and her two children who have been injured in the recent acid attack in Clapham London

‘There is a Go Fund me page set up this is the most direct and effective way to help and support them all. 

‘I’ve put the link in my bio and stories so you can click to donate. 

‘Always as donating please do share this page far and wide as many of you know burn treatment is a long process so going over target will still be very much needed. Thank you.’

The GoFundMe page, with a target of £50,000 was set up three days ago and has already raised more than £38,000. 

Ms Piper suffered major injuries and blindness in one eye after she was attacked with acid by her ex-boyfriend Daniel Lynch and accomplice Stefan Sylvestre in 2008.

The mother-of-two, who had been dating Lynch for just two weeks, was raped by the martial arts expert in a hotel room when she tried to leave their relationship in March that year.

He then obsessively stalked her before ordering Sylvestre, then 19, to throw sulphuric acid on her face, which left her with severe burns and in need of 400 operations.

She has since tirelessly campaigned to keep the topic of such attacks in the forefront of the minds of the public and officials since her horrific experience.

Ezedi, from the Newcastle area, has not been back since he allegedly poured a strong alkali substance on the woman and the two young children.

Marine Policing Unit boats have been pictured on the Thames as officers search for a body today. 

Since her attack, Ms Piper has since tirelessly campaigned to keep the topic of such attacks in the forefront of the minds of the public and officials since her horrific experience

A police boat is seen on the Thames as officers search the Thames for the body of Abdul Ezedi today

Friends have launched a fundraiser for the victims of the Clapham chemical attack to help the ‘generous, sweet loving mother’ and her two daughters ‘rebuild their lives’

The Met said yesterday its main working hypothesis was the attacker had ‘gone into’ the River Thames after being seen leaning over the railings of Chelsea Bridge on the night of the incident before disappearing from view.

He was last seen at 11.27pm on Chelsea Bridge – around four hours after the attack on Lessar Avenue in Clapham. He was never seen leaving the bridge area.

In a briefing at Scotland Yard, Commander Jon Savell said: ‘We have spent the last 24 hours meticulously following the CCTV, and it’s our main working hypothesis that he’s now gone into the water.

‘We have looked at all of the available cameras and angles, and with the assistance of Transport for London and CCTV from buses that were travelling over the bridge at the relevant time and there is no sighting of him coming off the bridge.’

Asked whether police were willing to say that Ezedi was dead, Detective Superintendent Rick Sewart said: ‘I’m prepared to say that he’s gone into the water and if he’s gone into the water then that’s the most probable outcome.’ 

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