Lidia Thorpe’s father Roy Illingworth calls daughter racist and says power has gone to her head

Now Lidia Thorpe’s DAD calls her ‘racist’: Firebrand senator’s father’s extraordinary spray – as she blows up about PM’s insult and complains she can’t go out without ‘being harassed by racists’

  • Lidia Thorpe’s father says she’s ‘a very racist person’
  • Roy Illingworth said the power has gone to her head
  • The Independent Senator is a controversial figure 

Controversial independent Senator Lidia Thorpe has received a spray from her own father who slammed her as a ‘very racist person’ in an extraordinary serve. 

Roy Illingworth claimed the Indigenous senator’s power had ‘gone to her head’ in an interview with Sky News Australia’s Andrew Bolt on Thursday, after she ripped into Melbourne strip club patrons at 3am on Sunday, calling them ‘white c***s’ and attacking the size of their genitalia. 

‘The way I see it, the way she is and the way she’s changed over the years, she’s a very racist person,’ Mr Illingworth, who has English-Irish heritage, said.

‘She doesn’t acknowledge any of her white side. I’m a bit disappointed in the way she’s been carrying on lately.

‘Because after all, she does have English background as well as Irish, the convict side of the English.’

Lidia Thorpe’s father Roy Illingworth calls daughter racist and says power has gone to her head

Polarising independent Senator Lidia Thorpe has been given an extraordinary spray by her father Roy Illingworth (pictured) who claimed his daughter had become ‘a very racist person’ in an interview with Sky News Australia’s Andrew Bolt on Thursday

He said the power had gone to his daughter’s head after she ripped into Melbourne strip club patrons at 3am on Sunday, calling them ‘white c***s’ and attacking the size of their genitalia 

Ms Thorpe has been widely criticised following the publication of footage of her screaming at a group of men outside Maxine’s Gentlemen’s Club in Melbourne – including by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese who said she should ‘get some help’.

In a statement on Thursday evening, Ms Thorpe said she can’t ‘go out without being harassed by racists’ and said that is an example of the same ‘racism that Blak people deal with every day in this colony’.

‘On Saturday night I was provoked and stood up for myself. Not one person was hurt,’ Ms Thorpe said in a statement.

‘The story should be about the racists brazenly harassing a senator.

‘The story is that I can’t go out without being harassed by racists.’

Mr Albanese suggested Ms Thorpe’s behaviour had ‘obvious issues that need to be dealt with in terms of her health issues.’ 

‘These are not the actions of anyone who should be participating, in society in a normal way, let alone a Senator. 

‘And Lidia needs to be very conscious of the way in which this behaviour has been seen. I hope that she gets some form of support.’

Ms Thorpe responded to the criticism saying she can’t ‘go out without being harassed by racists’ and said that is an example of the same ‘racism that Blak people deal with every day in this colony’

The prime minister urged Senator Lidia Thorpe to ‘get some support’ for ‘health issues’ in the wake of her explosive strip club meltdown 

Ms Thorpe took aim at the Prime Minister’s comments on Thursday saying his comments echo an old racist and misogynistic mindset.

‘Saying I need “mental help” is a continuation on the old racist and misogynistic narrative used to discredit and silence outspoken and strong women,’ the independent Senator said.

While Ms Thorpe claimed she was provoked by the men, Daily Mail Australia exclusively revealed that the rogue senator had been walking up to white patrons of the strip club accusing them of stealing her land earlier in the night.

The strip club meltdown is just the latest in a string of controversial incidents the senator has been involved in recent months, which included her temporarily halting the Mardi Gras parade in a protest against police.

Mr Albanese said it was becoming a ‘repeat exercise’ for the senator.

‘You know, the event at Mardi Gras where she laid in front of a truck, that was actually a truck for Twenty10, a youth service that looks after young gay and lesbian people, a service from my electorate,’ the Prime Minister said.

‘Why someone would lay in front of that truck in order to get attention is beyond my comprehension and I hope that she gets some form of support.’

CCTV, obtained by Daily Mail Australia, showed Senator Lidia Thorpe returning for more on multiple occasions, including to film the men (pictured)

Read Lidia Thorpe’s full statement 

I am in the Senate as a Blak Sovereign mother and grandmother who is not afraid to challenge the government and fight to improve the lives of First Nations People in this country. This is in the interests of all people living on this land. When I talk of Treaty, I am talking about a path to peace that will benefit all of us, blak and white, coloniser and colonised. I understand that at times this means I will be targeted but I remain hopeful that the media will see through shallow attacks and start reporting on the real issues impacting people in this country.

Isn’t it interesting that there were a hundred stories about me responding to racist harassment and yet not one, not a single story about Saturday being the 32nd anniversary of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Report being handed to the government.

On Saturday night I was provoked and stood up for myself. No one was hurt. The story should be about the racists brazenly harassing a senator. The story is that I can’t go out without being harassed by racists. This is the racism Blak people deal with everyday in this colony.

The racism that sees children removed at record rates. The racism that prevents the government from implementing the Recommendations of the Blak Deaths In Custody Report, that sees our people being killed by police, and that locks up our little children, some as young as ten years old, in cold prison cells. Meanwhile the racists are free to walk around and harass Blak women without consequences.

There is a history of white men in power using the media to attack and demonise Blak people that stand up to racism. They did the same thing to Adam Goodes and Heritier Lumumba when they called out racism. Saying I need “mental help” is a continuation of the old racist and misogynistic narrative used to discredit and silence outspoken and strong women, particularly Blak women.

I am disappointed by the opportunism of politicians in Canberra – including the PM – using this to drag me down, but more than that I am heartened and inspired by the hundreds of messages of support I’ve received from every corner of the country.

While the Prime Minister and others have used this to try and undermine my progress, I have been busy out in community talking to First Nations leaders about solutions to the problems our people face everyday.

I will be speaking of the work that I do as a Senator, both in Canberra and on the ground, in an exclusive interview with Tom Tanuki that will be available in the coming days.

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