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Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly records revenue of GH11.9million

Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly records revenue of GH11.9million

The Korley Klottey Municipal Assembly (KoKMA) recorded a revenue of GHC 11.9 million at the end of October this year.
This fell short of the target of GHC 23, 988, 1171 representing a 49.55 per cent decrease of the target.
Out of the total revenue realised in October, GHC 7,662,079.73 representing 64.47 per cent came from the Internally Generated Fund (IGF) whilst the remaining GHC 4,223,258.53 representing 35.53 per cent was from grants and other government transfers.
The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of KoKMA, Mr Samuel Nii Adjei Tawiah, disclosed this at the third ordinary meeting of the second session of the second assembly in Accra on Wednesday.
The meeting sought to review the performance of the assembly and chart new strategies for the incoming year.
Mr Tawiah said the relatively low performance stemmed from the fact that the Assembly had not received much of the expected funds from the central government transfer.
“For example, District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) received as of October stood at GHC 931,109.91 representing 11.23 per cent of the budgeted GHC 8, 293, 840,” he said.
Mr Tawiah stressed that “the DACF allocation for second and third quarters of 2021 have still not been released and it is our hope that they would be released to improve our financial stand and help us implement policies, projects and programmes.”
He attributed the low revenue mobilisation to the delay in the payment of property rates and low revenue from permits.
“For instance, while property rates collected stood at GHC 3450,208.30 instead of a target of GHC 4,125,000 revenue from permits was even worse as the total amount realised was GHC 414,182.31 instead of a target of GHC 1,612,500,” he stated.
Meanwhile, the total expenditure spent as of October, Mr Tawiah said stood at GHC12, 669,499.50 representing 52.8 per cent of the annual budget of GHC 23,988,171.
He the Assembly made a lot achievements in the period under review in the areas of health, education, roads, sanitation, and security within the year under review and promised to remain committed to the development of the Municipality.
The Presiding Member of KoKMA, Mr Francis Ebo Mensah, commended the MCE and Assembly members for the good work done in the municipality.
He also expressed profound gratitude to staff for bringing their expertise and experience around the table and engaging in fruitful discussions and constructive exchanges at general assembly meetings throughout the year.


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