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Juventus Academy Ghana arrests fraudster in recent clamp down on impostors

Sports News of Monday, 1 July 2024

Source: Juventus Academy Ghana


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Ever since the international football giant Juventus Academy commenced operations in Ghana as Juventus Academy Ghana, there have been many cases where individuals have been defrauded by unsuspecting establishments pretending to be Juventus Academy Ghana.

On the 27th of June, Ghana police apprehended an individual posing as a representative of Juventus Academy Ghana. The suspect was caught in the act of attempting to defraud an unsuspecting victim of an amount of GHS 37,000.

According to police reports, the imposter had approached a man claiming to be affiliated with Juventus Academy Ghana. The suspect allegedly offered false promises of player recruitment and training opportunities in exchange for money. Fortunately, the intended victim became suspicious of the offer and alerted authorities. Police quickly responded and arrested the suspect during the attempted transaction at a secluded location in Accra. We commend the vigilance of the citizens who reported this suspicious activity.

The suspect is currently in police custody and is expected to face charges of fraud and impersonation. Authorities are investigating whether there may be additional victims and encourage anyone with information to come forward. In an interview with Bernard Kafui Sokpe, brand director of Juventus Academy Ghana, he mentioned that the Academy is working closely with the cyber unit of the police force to clamp down on these fraudsters, and very soon more arrests will be made.

This arrest serves as a reminder to always verify the credentials of individuals claiming to represent organizations, especially when financial transactions are involved. Juventus Academy Ghana urges the general public to be cautious and to contact them directly through official channels for any inquiries related to their programs. This incident highlights the importance of due diligence when dealing with offers that seem too good to be true, particularly in the world of sports recruitment where scams targeting young athletes and their families are very common.

About Juventus Academy Ghana:

Juventus Academy Ghana is a football academy dedicated to nurturing young talent and developing well-rounded individuals. With a mission to “grow people before players,” the academy instills core values of sportsmanship, independence, and self-confidence in its participants. Juventus Academy Ghana provides world-class training and opportunities for young footballers to excel in their careers.

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