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Jomoro MP rebuilds Mpeasem Roman Catholic Basic School

The Member of Parliament for Jomoro Constituency in the Western Region has renovated the only basic school in Mpeasem, the Mpeasem Roman Catholic Basic School.

The dilapidated school had been abandoned, compelling pupils to learn under a shed.

Teaching and learning were halted anytime it rained, but the MP, Dorcas Affo-Toofey, has come to the aid of the school. The school has now seen a facelift suitable for teaching and learning.

The four-classroom building with a storeroom and office had been a concern for the Mpeasem community since it was affecting education. The Chief of Mpeasem, Nana Ezenebenie I, said they have inscribed the name of the MP throughout the community due to what she has done for them.

The Chief, who spoke in Nzema, said, “My people know you because of what you have done for the community and Jomoro in general.”

“Ever since the school building collapsed, we have informed several government officials to help with the construction to no avail until you, [Hon. Dorcas Affo-Toffey], came in to reconstruct the school for us.”
Nana Ezenebenie I said, “You will continue to be the MP for Jomoro until you decide otherwise.”

“I and my people will continue to vote for you until you decide not to contest as an MP again. Continue doing good things and ensure you spread these good projects across the entire Jomoro Constituency so that other communities will also benefit,” he added.

The chief assured, “We shall write your name on this school. We shall inscribe your name in this town to tell future generations what you have done for our community.”

The Jomoro District Education Director, Edith Mary Hagan, said the construction of school buildings is not the duty of an MP, but this has been done by the MP, Dorcas Affo-Toffey.

She said this is not the only thing the MP has done for education in the District. She has also provided water, desks, raw materials for schools, computers, and scholarships to students, among other things.

Madam Hagan said this has reduced the burden on her as the Education Director in the District, and she urged teachers to provide quality education to the pupils. The Director called on teachers to be punctual and ensure they maintain the school to prevent it from deteriorating.

Madam Hagan noted that the contributions of Madam Affo-Toffey to education indicate she has education at heart and called for support to enable the MP to contribute more.

The District Roman Catholic Parish Priest for the Jomoro District, Rev. Father Jerome Toku Appiah, said education is the word of God and the word of God is also education. Therefore, for the MP to put up such a structure indicates she is doing the work of God. He said he does not involve himself in politics, but what the MP has done deserves commendation.

A pupil expressed appreciation to the MP. The pupil wrote in a handwritten appreciation letter to the MP, “In the year 2019, a heavy rainstorm destroyed our school building, rendering it useless for students. All efforts to renovate the school building proved futile until when our honourable came to our aid.”

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