John Barilaro resigns as Deputy Premier three days after Gladys Berejiklian quit

John Barilaro has resigned as Deputy Premier of NSW just three days after Gladys Berejiklian stepped down due to a corruption investigation by ICAC.

Mr Barilaro released a statement early on Monday morning thanking constituents for their support, describing his role as the leader of the National party as ‘the honour and privilege of a lifetime’.  

He said it felt right to step down alongside Ms Berejiklian to give NSW a fresh start, allowing two new leaders to take the reins together as the state finally exits a grueling 15-week Covid lockdown.

‘As we emerge from lockdown, we must embrace this time as a new beginning for our state, and welcome the opportunity it presents for a refresh,’ he said.

‘The next Premier has big shoes to fill, but I wish them well and the best of luck, I will be cheering from the sidelines and I am excited for what is ahead under their stewardship.’

John Barilaro resigns as Deputy Premier three days after Gladys Berejiklian quit

John Barilaro has resigned as Deputy Premier of NSW just three days after Gladys Berejiklian stepped down due to a corruption investigation by ICAC

He said it felt right to step down alongside Ms Berejiklian (pictured together) to give NSW a fresh start, allowing two new leaders to take the reins together as the state finally exits a grueling 15-week Covid lockdown

That role will likely be filled by Treasurer Dominic Perrottet, having all but tied up the Liberal leadership after all the thrills and spill of the past 48 sleepless hours.

The 39-year-old, who holds the seat of Epping in Sydney’s north, doesn’t quite have the top job shored up just yet, but it appears overwhelmingly likely he has the numbers after two days of political jostling.

Mr Barilaro worked closely with Premier Berejiklian in designing the roadmap out of lockdown and was an original member of the Covid crisis committee.

He described himself as ‘the architect of the roadmap out of lockdown’ and hopes his legacy will be bringing hope and certainty to the people of NSW and the rest of the nation. 

‘People are sometimes quick to write off the National Party, but it’s the Nats in Government who are, and always will be, the praetorian guard of common sense,’ he said.

Mr Barilaro worked closely alongside Premier Berejiklian in designing the roadmap out of lockdown and was an original member of the Covid crisis committee

A tearful Gladys Berejiklian (pictured on Friday) resigned as NSW premier and slammed the state’s corruption watchdog for investigating her

Mr Barilaro looked back fondly on his time in state politics, noting it was a tumultuous two years as NSW endured drought, fire, floods and a global pandemic.

‘It was a privilege to work with our communities to endure and recover from those challenges,’ he said.  

‘I hope those communities could see my genuine and tireless effort to be there for them, especially as the Minister responsible for Disaster Recovery, a role I will never forget. I shared hugs, shed tears and brought hope for many.’   

The 49-year-old said his focus has always been on highlighting regional communities and bring a sense of pride into these towns.  

Mr Barilaro thanked his family for their sacrifices throughout his time in politics (pictured with wife Deanna and daughter Sofia)

Mr Barilaro will front the media at 9.30am on Monday to discuss his decision.

He will call a Party Room meeting on Wednesday to formally resign and call for a ballot for a new leader of the Nationals party.

Immediately afterwards, he will call a by-election for his seat of Monaro.   

Mr Perrottet’s likely appointment, making him the youngest NSW premier in history, comes after Gladys Berejiklian was forced to stand down after becoming the subject of a corruption probe.

A staunch conservative, Mr Perrottet threw his hat in the ring after some wild internal jostling with the party’s powerful moderate faction.

The father-of-six, who is Catholic, had originally planned to have Energy and Environment minister – and long-time friend – Matt Kean serve as his deputy.  

More to come. 

Dominic Perrottet is a devout Catholic and father-of-six (pictured with his family) who has staunch conservative views

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