I’ve lost my job; my husband has sent me packing – Woman cries out after she was cursed by Twitter user

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Social media is regarded as one of the greatest tools on the internet in contemporary times. But when used wrongly, the consequences could be grievous.

An unnamed woman on Twitter has shared her sad ordeal of how a curse placed on her by another user of the microblogging platform is taking a toll on her life.

Narrating her predicament, she opened up about how she has slumped into series of misfortunes after she engaged in a heated confrontation with a man on Twitter who subsequently invoked evil upon her.

After identifying the source of her problems, she run back to netizens to help her beg the man who laid curses on her after she read him to filth when they both clashed days ago on Twitter.

In her words; “Good evening. Please. I want you all to help and apologize to @xxxxxx posted a story early this year. He wasn’t comfortable with my advice and he tried correcting me but I picked offense and started insulting him.

“I called him church rat. Told him his type will never have a happy home and I have forgotten other insults I gave him. He didn’t reply. Instead came to my DM and wrote “whatever you wished for me, you will get it 10folds. 

“That work you think you have, you will loose it in a weeks time. Your husband and family will desert you and you will live a miserable and lonely life for the rest of your life. He blocked me immediately after saying that, I lost my job even before one week.

“All my investments started going down. I was a successful and happy woman with a lovely family. My husband who loved me to an extent that everybody was telling me how lucky I am. Sent me out of his house and is planning to divorce. I have been having issues since then.

“My husband totally changed and became my enemy. My children no longer respect me. My son barks like dog at night. When you wake him up, he won’t remember. Anywhere I go, they told me I insulted somebody. I should go and apologize.

“I created a new twitter account and I can’t find him on social media. Please . I am tired of this life i am living. My siblings that was depending on me for survival is now treating me like a slave because they are accommodating and feeding me.

“The only person standing by me is my mum. I remembered one time my husband woke up and ran away from bed. That he dog face instead of my face. We prayed about it. Sir please. I am sorry for insulting you. It was a referred aggression. Please forgive me.”

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