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It’s my time » June 8, 2024

It’s my time » June 8, 2024

Blair Cobbs on his victory: “It wasn’t easy. Even after I tracked him on that special shot that hurt him, he got up, he’s resilient, and he kept pressing forward. He even got a couple of good shots in. He got me with that right hand one time. Not too many times he landed, but when he did, he landed very well. But Blair “The Flair” prevails. I stay consistent on pressure with high, low, high, low. I make myself as unpredictable as possible.”

Blair Cobbs on what is next: “I saw something on Instagram. Ryan Garcia was rooting for “AB”. That was hurtful because I thought we were boys. But get your girl out of DMs. It’s my time, it’s Blair “The Flair” Cobbs, the most exciting man in boxing and the People’s Champion. Woooooooooooo!”

Walsh obliterates Ortiz in two

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