Insurance broker reveals why drivers should reverse park to avoid car accidents

I’m an insurance broker and this is why you should always reverse into public parking spots

  • Insurance insider revealed helpful tip 
  • Reverse parking reduces liability in fender benders 

An insurance broker has revealed drivers should always reverse park if they can because they are less likely to be at fault if there is an accident with another car. 

Dan Ufer, from Queensland, said in a recent video to TikTok that it is ‘best practice’ to reverse into a car park as those who back out are considered responsible for the accident regardless of the circumstances. 

‘If you are reversing you are 100 per cent always at fault,’ Mr Ufer explained.  

Insurance broker reveals why drivers should reverse park to avoid car accidents

There’s few things as annoying as a carpark fender bender but an insurance broker has revealed how drivers can avoid being considered at fault

‘So in a shopping centre carpark situation if one vehicle is reversing out and one is driving out and they collide in the middle, the reversing driver is always at fault.’

He added that in situations where both cars are reversing it will usually be an ‘each bare own claim’ which means each driver pays for their own respective damage because they are both considered repsonsible.

‘So to reduce your risk of being at fault you should always reverse park.’ 

Viewers thanked Mr Ufer for the advice saying it was a simple tip but generally not well known.

‘This is great, now I just have to master the reverse park,’ one viewer said.

‘Yeah there is so much better visibility driving forward out of a space than backing out,’ another added.


Should everyone reverse park?

  • Yes it will reduce traffic accidents 110 votes
  • No it holds traffic up 94 votes

Other viewers said they already reversed parked for other reasons.

‘If you have car trouble you can access the engine and another car can attach jumper cables,’ one said.

‘My dad taught me to do this in case you need to leave somewhere quickly,’ another said.

Major Australian insurer Vero backs up Mr Ufer’s tip, saying that the road rules are clear.

‘In all states, the road rules state that a driver must not drive a vehicle in reverse unless it is safe to do so.’

‘The law also states that drivers should not reverse a vehicle any further than what is reasonably required.’

‘In an insurance liability setting, the driver who is driving in reverse is automatically deemed to be the at fault driver, regardless of other circumstances such as illegally parked cars and the other driver moving at speed.’

Dan Ufer said insurance companies will almost always consider the reversing driver at fault regardless of other circumstances

The insurer recommends a few points to check before reverse parking.

‘Ensure the windows are clean and mirrors positioned correctly… and check the surrounding area for hazards including moving ones like children or animals.’

‘Consider purchasing a car with reversing sensors or cameras, though these should not replace the driver physically checking.’ 

‘Smaller cars are also generally easier to maneuver in cramped or busy locations.’ 

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