Inside the bizarre Covid modelling Mark McGowan used to justify WA’s border closures until February 

Modelling used to justify keeping Western Australia‘s borders closed until next year forecasts the state will rack up 104,000 cases in 12 months if it opens to the rest of the country too early.

Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan on Friday doubled down on a promise to keep his state borders closed until 90 per cent of locals aged over 12 are double-vaccinated.

That may not be achieved until well into 2022 as only 65.4 per cent of people are fully vaccinated in WA – compared to a national rate of 79.6 per cent.

Flight Centre chief executive Graham Turner said he is considering challenging the border closure and claims his lawyers ‘are quite confident we can be successful’.

New WA Government modelling predicts there will be 104,251 Covid cases within a year of opening up at the 80 per cent double-dose vaccination mark, more than the 94,669 infections Victoria has recorded during the entire pandemic.

Inside the bizarre Covid modelling Mark McGowan used to justify WA’s border closures until February 

WA Premier Mark McGowan pictured with his wife Sarah. He looks set to try and defy the national plan to reopen state borders with a 70-80 per cent fully vaccinated public. He wants to stay shut until WA reached 90 per cent double jabbed – which may not happen there until February

New WA Government modelling predicts there will be 104,251 Covid cases within a year of opening up at the 80 per cent mark, more than the 94,669 infections Victoria has recorded during the entire pandemic

Australians were left confused by modelling from WA’s Covid-19 transition plan on Friday

The modelling also predicts 117 residents will die in a year in WA at a 90 per cent double dose rate, more than the 106 who will be admitted to intensive care wards.

The data sparked confusion from Australians on Twitter. 

‘Genuine question: how could it be that the WA Health model projects more deaths than ICU admissions over a year at 90% vaccination rate?’ ABC journalist Casey Briggs tweeted.

Commenters speculated the death rate may not count residents who die at home or in aged care settings.

Sky News host Laura Jayes said the modelling was ‘wild’. 

‘After 2 years of fear West Australians are being told they’ll be the new ‘Italy’ even with the vaccine. And tax payers are the ones footing the bill for this “modelling”,’ she said.  

A stoic Mr McGowan has said though his ‘an island within an island’ strategy could save 200 lives a year and avoid pressure mounting on the state’s hospital system.

‘We won’t be pressured into a different approach,’ he said.

His tough approach contradicts the Commonwealth’s advice that reopening borders at 70 and 80 per cent is safe, based on modelling from the Doherty Institute. 

The hardline pledge has angered the travel industry which is preparing to take legal action to try and force WA to reopen its borders, The Australian reported.

Members of the public wait to be vaccinated at the Claremont Showground mass vaccination centre in Perth. Mr McGowan finally unveiled the state’s roadmap out of the Covid-19 pandemic on Friday – becoming the last state in the country to do so

Flight Centre’s boss said he will begin a legal challenge to open WA’s borders is the roadmap does not say they will open at 70 to 80 per cent of residents vaccinated (pictured: airport workers) 

Flight Centre’s chief executive has consulted lawyers and was ‘confident’ of a High Court legal challenge succeeding on the basis that a national plan had been proposed by the Commonwealth.

‘We haven’t made a decision on it yet but we’ll have a good look over the weekend and see if we go ahead with it,’ Mr Turner said.

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said different border restrictions across various states was ‘frustrating for vaccinated travellers’. 

Mr McGowan finally unveiled the state’s roadmap out of the Covid-19 pandemic on Friday – becoming the last state in the country to do so. 

Under the uber-cautious plan, interstate and international travellers will remain banned from entry until late January or early February.

All arrivals will have to be fully vaccinated. They will have to receive a negative Covid test result 72 hours before boarding a plane to WA. 

Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan (pictured on Friday) refuses to reopen the state’s borders until 90 per cent of the state’s population is fully vaccinated.

Then within 48 hours of entering, visitors will have to receive a second negative test result.  

Foreign visitors won’t have to quarantine if fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated arrivals will still have to undergo two weeks of quarantine. 

A transition date will be locked in once WA finally hits the 80 per cent double dose target, expected sometime in December.

‘Once we set that date, it will be locked in,’ Mr McGowan said.

‘But if we don’t, on that date, reach the 90 per cent double-dose vaccination, that means there will be further public health social measures put in place.

‘That would mean restrictions on venues, on workplaces, restrictions when it comes to masks, all those sorts of things that we’re desperately trying to avoid.’ 

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