Insecurity: President Buhari Has Taken The Bull By The Horns – Lai Mohammed

President Muhammadu Buhari since assuming power in 2015, has done much more than previous administrations in tackling insecurity in Nigeria, the government has declared.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed made the submission on Wednesday in Abuja during a press conference he addressed on the security situation in Nigeria.

Mohammed in the text of his conference titled “TACKLING INSECURITY: PRESIDENT BUHARI HAS DONE A LOT, HAS MORE TO OFFER – FG” stated that some people for political or other reasons have however failed to give due credit to the current administration.

He argued that while the Boko Haram terrorists, insurgents and bandits had a filled day operating almost unchallenged before Buhari came into power, the current administration has boxed them into a corner and is not relenting in its efforts to eliminate them totally.

The Minister added that security is one of the cardinal objectives the Buhari administration set out to achieve and would see to it that it is achieved.

In his view, if Buhari had not acted decisively in dealing with them, the terrorists would have declared an Islamic State in some parts of the country.

Alhaji Mohammed also cautioned the citizens of the country and opinion leaders against using languages and making comments capable of overheating the polity.

He said: “The polity has recently been awash with heightened commentary on the security situation in the country. The commentary has been triggered by genuine concerns in some circles, and crass politicking or sheer absurdity in others.

“Since assuming office in 2015, President Muhammadu Buhari has continued to make the issue of security a major plank of his Administration’s policy. This is not a surprise, considering the fact that the fight against insecurity is one of the three priority areas of the APC-led Federal Government.

“Yes, the security situation has continued to pose a great challenge, but amidst the cacophony of voices – some genuinely concerned about the situation and others ready to exploit it for selfish ends – it is easy to forget where we are coming from. Today, we only look at the current situation, without wondering what would have been had this President not taken the bull by the horns, as far as security is concerned.

“With the way the insurgents were going before this Administration came into office, with their control of a vast swath of land the size of Belgium, with their freewheeling attacks in almost a dozen states, including the Federal Capital Territory which was hit at least five times, perhaps they could have achieved their aim of declaring an Islamic State in Nigeria, if President Buhari had not acted decisively. After all, in 2014, Boko Haram declared a Caliphate in
Gwoza after capturing Bama and Gamboru as well as other towns and villages in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa. They installed their own Emirs, collected taxes and flew their flag before the military dislodged them.”

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Mohammed in his speech acknowledged the challenges facing the country despite all the efforts of the government but reiterated that the Buhari administration remains committed to tackling the situation.

He stated that this is why the federal government has committed huge resources towards providing weapons and ammunition for the security agencies and boosting the morale of the security forces.

“Yes, banditry and kidnapping have added to the state of insecurity, President Buhari has also continued to provide quality leadership in order to ensure that our security agencies decisively tackle the cankerworm of insecurity of any hue. No Administration in Nigeria’s recent history has provided the security agencies with the hardware needed to tackle insecurity as that of President Buhari, in addition to raising the morale of our security men and women.

“Only last week, Mr. President commissioned an armada of naval boats and ships in the latest effort to enhance our nation’s maritime security. The army, the air force and the police, among others, have also been receiving modern hardware to strengthen their arsenal.

He highlighted that apart from warfare, other non-kinetic measures have been adopted by the government in ensuring insurgency becomes unattractive to the youths and other members of the community while those who are already involved are encouraged to repent.

“The Administration has not concentrated on the kinetic measures alone. Non-kinetic measures have also been strengthened. The establishment of the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development to coordinate all humanitarian affairs in Nigeria is a major effort at tackling poverty and shrinking the pool of those being targeted for recruitment by insurgents and bandits. Of course, the Federal Government’s
unprecedented and massive investment in infrastructure is also aimed at boosting socio-economic well-being of the nation and further reducing poverty, which is a major cause of insecurity.”

Minister Mohammed further highlighted that regional and international collaboration targeted at dealing with the terrorists and bandits is another way the Buhari government is exploring in the fight against insecurity.

He argued that despite the prevailing economic challenges, President Buhari has done so much and remains committed to doing much more in fighting insecurity to a standstill and ensuring Nigerians are safe.

He said the aim of President Buhari is to leave a legacy of security, infrastructural development, economic prosperity, and social cohesion for Nigeria.

“Despite all this, President Buhari has not relented, constantly presiding over meetings of security chiefs to get an update and also issue necessary directives, and not missing any opportunity to offer succour to his countrymen and women, when necessary. The skewed narrative in certain quarters that the President has not shown enough empathy is glib talk.

“The President has also continued to work with our neighboring countries and indeed our Western partners to tackle
insecurity, especially terrorism. With the entire Sahelian region experiencing a devastating surge in terrorist attacks, more so in the wake of the Libyan crisis, it has become even more imperative for Nigeria to step up regional cooperation to more effectively tackle insecurity – and that is what Mr. President has been doing.

“Gentlemen, President Buhari has done so much, under very difficult economic and social conditions, to tackle insecurity in our country. Not only has he done so much. President Buhari continues to do much more to keep Nigerians safe. To say he has nothing more to offer is untrue, fallacious and smacks of dirty politicking. By
boosting the number and capacity of our fighting forces, Mr. President is putting them in good stead to tackle insecurity not just during the life of his Administration but long after he would have left office.

“President Buhari is leaving a legacy of security, infrastructural development, economic prosperity and social cohesion for Nigeria. This may not seem obvious today, amidst daunting challenges, but posterity will be kind to this President.”

The Minister also took time to commend the nation’s security forces who abandon their own comfort to serve the nation and ensure others sleep with their two eyes closed.

He said: “Please permit me to use this opportunity to commend the military, police, civil defence and other security, intelligence and para-military agencies for their continued service to the nation. It is important to remember that our men and women in uniform sacrifice their sleep and comfort so we can in turn sleep well. Even as we continue to battle insecurity, it will be uncharitable on our part to suggest they are not doing enough, or not to appreciate their
sacrifices. The recent massive surrendering of Boko Haram terrorists and the huge pressure on bandits represent a testament to the effectiveness of the efforts of our security agencies. We should encourage them to do more, instead of pillorying them.

“Finally, while there is nothing wrong in the citizens expressing their concerns over the insecurity in the country, we wish to say that the use of incendiary and insulting words, especially by leaders of all hues, can only overheat the polity and heighten tension. While the government provides leadership, all Nigerians have a role to play in
securing our nation. Security is not the sole responsibility of the security forces alone. We must not only support our security agencies, we must also say something anytime we see something that hampers our safety and security, as encapsulated in the mantra: ”If you see something, say something.”

Insecurity: President Buhari Has Taken The Bull By The Horns – Lai Mohammed

Insecurity: President Buhari Has Taken The Bull By The Horns – Lai Mohammed

Insecurity: President Buhari Has Taken The Bull By The Horns – Lai Mohammed

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