If SNP believes in transparency, minister, why is your WhatsApp on auto-delete?

  • Car crash interview as Nationalist’s open government tsar is caught out live on air 

The SNP’s information minister has been forced to admit he uses an ‘auto delete’ function on WhatsApp after being caught out during a live radio interview.

Parliamentary business minister George Adam, whose role includes open government and the handling of Freedom of Information laws, was found to be using the feature that wipes all messages within 24 hours.

The revelation came during a BBC Good Morning Scotland interview as he was attempting to defend the Scottish Government’s record on transparency.

Scotland’s Information Commissioner announced at the weekend that he will probe the ‘concerning’ practice of deleting messages, which came to light as the UK Covid Inquiry sat in Edinburgh.

If SNP believes in transparency, minister, why is your WhatsApp on auto-delete?

SNP’s George Adam is responsible for open government yet he ensures his WhatsApps record vanishes

George Adam Minister for FOI, his WhatsApp status showing auto delete.

Put on the spot over the issue, Mr Adam insisted his government was committed to ‘openness and transparency’.

But during yesterday’s interview, the BBC host pointed out that when they were arranging the call over WhatsApp, a message popped up that read: ‘George Adam uses a default timer for disappearing messages in new chats.

‘New messages will disappear from this chat 24 hours after they’re sent.’

Mr Adam peddled the same excuse used by former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at the Covid inquiry last week as he told listeners he was not using the app for any ‘decision-making process’ as this was always done ‘through the actual government IT system itself’.

He said: ‘I don’t use WhatsApp for parliamentary business in any shape or form. 

What I do use WhatsApp for is for information, like my private office will get in touch and say “you’ve got a meeting in five minutes,” things like that. 

But any information on that chat will be retained and put into the government system.’

He added: ‘In my job as minister for parliamentary business, Freedom of Information and open government is part of my remit.

‘I would make sure everything is done through the proper channels because that is the way you need to do business.

‘There is no way any decisions will be made over WhatsApp as no official would actually do the work you want them to do unless you’ve done it through proper channels.

‘And for me, it’s about making sure I’m doing everything through the official channels, and that is through the Scots IT system.’

Information Commissioner David Hamilton raised ‘significant concerns’ when he ‘launched an intervention into Scottish ministers’ practices in relation to the retention of informal communications’.

Ms Sturgeon and a number of her former Cabinet ministers claim that during the pandemic they were acting in accordance with an official message deletion policy that was in place.

But ex-First Minister Alex Salmond has undermined this claim, saying no such rule was in place.

Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy said: ‘It was both embarrassing and telling that the SNP Government’s information minister was forced to admit he too automatically deletes his WhatsApp messages. 

At the same time, he insisted, presumably with a straight face, that his party and government are committed to openness and transparency.

‘Like Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney, he claimed social media is never used for decision-making purposes – something the Covid inquiry exposed as simply untrue.

‘The Information Commissioner is right to launch a probe into the shameless culture of secrecy and cover-up that’s embedded in the SNP Government.’

Mr Hoy added: ‘Nicola Sturgeon insisted there was a message deletion policy in place even though her predecessor refuted this, and Nicola Sturgeon herself was able to retrieve her messages for the Alex Salmond inquiry.

‘Even if such a policy had been in place, she could and should have lifted it – but chose not to, to cover her tracks.’

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