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If 2022 budget hasn’t been approved, why are both caucuses considering estimates?

If 2022 budget hasn’t been approved, why are both caucuses considering estimates?

Member of Parliament for Bortianor-Ngleshie Amanfro constituency, Slyvester Tetteh

Member of Parliament for Bortianor-Ngleshie Amanfro constituency, Slyvester Tetteh has rebutted critics’ convictions that the 2022 Budget and Economic Policy Statement hasn’t been approved and is hanging since the Minority didn’t participate in the approval process.

According to the MP, nothing can be done to undo what happened in Parliament on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, where the Majority, by a 138 representation in a quorum, voted in favour of the budget, although the Minority had earlier rejected it through a similar process.

The Minority voted against the budget on Friday, November 26, after the Majority staged a walkout from Parliament but their decision was later quashed by the Majority votes.

Speaking to Nana Yaw Kesseh on Peace FM’s ”Kokrokoo”, Hon. Sylvester Tetteh picked a heated debate with seasoned journalist Kwesi Pratt, a panellist on the programme, on whether the 2022 budget has been approved or not.

Kwesi Pratt argued that the budget cannot be said to have been approved because the Minority has filed a motion against it.

In reply, the MP stated emphatically that Parliament is currently considering estimates and that, so far as the budget is concerned, the decision of the House clearly shows it has been okayed, and with the Speaker having passed a ruling in support of the Majority’s decision, it cannot be overturned.

“Let me place on record that the policy statement of government 2022 has been passed. We are considering estimates; that’s the procedure in Parliament. If any person has any opinion that we haven’t passed it, he should carry on with that but, as far as me as a Member of Parliament representing the good people of Bortianor-Ngleshie Amanfro; I serve on two Committees…yesterday, we commence the estimates with the NDC [in Parliament]. If we haven’t passed the policy, why consider an estimate? They should stop throwing dust into the eyes of Ghanaians,” he stressed.

He however noted that any opposition member who seeks to challenge the budget approval can go ahead with it but “per the true records of Parliament, we have passed the policy. We consider estimates. We will pass an appropriation and we move on!”

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