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I won’t be rushed to create a political party – FixTheCountry convenor vows

I won’t be rushed to create a political party – FixTheCountry convenor vows

General News of Tuesday, 14 December 2021



Mawuse Oliver Barker-Vormawor

Lead Convenor for the FixTheCountry movement Mawuse Oliver Barker-Vormawor has vowed that he would not be pushed into creating a political party or seek political power through elections until his objective of getting a new constitution for the country is achieved.

Mr Barker-Vormawor’s pledge comes on the back of the announcement by the Economic Fighters League (EPL) that it has broken ranks with the FixTheCountry movement with which it had worked to mount pressure on the Government to live up to its responsibilities – fixing the country.

“I stand for a New Constitution for a New Generation.

Until we achieve that objective, I shall not contest for any elections, seek political power in order to participate in the same rot that we are fighting against.

That’s the principle I stand for; and I will continue to stand for that; even when the going gets tough.

I will never be rushed into creating a political party. #FixTheCountry is only 6 months old. The idea that if we don’t create a political party with it now, it means we are working in vain is short sighted,” he declared in apparent reaction to the Economic Fighters League’s parting ways with FixTheCountry.

The Economic Fighters League (EFL) which had previously styled itself as a pressure group, not a political party has announced that it will field candidates in the 2024 General Elections.

This decision to field candidates is at variance with the ideals of the FixTheCountry movement which wants a better system for the country through the change of the Constitution.

For Mr Barker-Vormawor, sticking to the principle that the movement is not a political party and is not seeking to benefit politically from the same system he criticizes is important to him, adding that the movement is committed to awaking Ghanaians about the flawed system and not to win political power.

“We are working to awake the Ghanaian; not to win political power!

Principle matters!” He stressed.

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