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I will retaliate if you insult me in 2022

I will retaliate if you insult me in 2022

Nigel Gaisie, Founder and Leader of the Prophetic Hill Chapel has issued a stern warning to the Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong.

According to the controversial prophet, he is ready to face the MP boot for boot in 20222, should he dare come after him with his lies and attacks.

The prophet gave this warning in an interview with Kofi TV and monitored by GhanaWeb.

When questioned about a portion of his December 31, 2021, prophecies that sought to talk about Kennedy Agyapong, Prophet Nigel added that his prophecies about the Assin Central MP were intentional and solely a move ​to insult him.

“I only did it to insult him. This is not me, and everybody who knows me knows that I am very gentle but on the 31st, I just wanted to insult him. Yes! Kennedy Agyapong – I won’t call him honourable because he’s not honourable to me. He’s insignificant to me in the realms of the spirit. This man told lies about me during the elections and I did not respond because God has instructed me to do certain things but Kennedy Agyapong must understand that 2022 and going if he comes to insult me, if he says one, I will say a thousand,” he said.

I pray, curse Kennedy Agyapong daily – Nigel Gaisie

A furious Nigel Gaisie has said that for the wrongs that the Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong, has done him, by falsely accusing and insulting him, he has since embarked on a daily cursing and praying against him.

He explained that he was so hurt by the unwarranted lies that the MP leveled against him in 2020, ahead of the general elections, but he had to hold his peace because God had instructed him to do something significant with regards to the polls.

Besides, the Founder and Leader of the Prophetic Hill Chapel stated that being an Akuapem, he is guided by the training and upbringing of being respectful that he was given and so he was more temperate then, but not any longer.


Nigel Gaisie also explained that being this hurt, and having resolved to henceforth always pray against Kennedy Agyapong, he prays against the latter’s welfare every single day, wishing him nothing but bad luck always.

“And I will subdue him in the realms of the spirit and listen to me, every single day, I pray against him. Yes, I am speaking as a prophet of God. An elderly man of God called me to tell me not to say anything about Kennedy Agyapong again but listen to me, every day, I will pray against him, as a prophet of God.


“Listen, the lies that he told about me, I am human, I am somebody’s husband, I am somebody’s father, my children are outside the country and I didn’t respond because I am an Akuapem and we are very respectful and a lot of people had called me that I should not speak. Besides, I did not want to mar the elections because I had an interest that God had used me to tell me that President Mahama was coming and so I was quiet but enough, let sleeping dogs lie. Let Kennedy Agyapong understand that there is fury in my mouth and I am a prophet; when I speak, Heaven listens,” he stated.

He further asked that family members of the MP should send information to him that when he touches God’s own, he incurs His wrath.


“So, tell him; if his relatives are listening, they should tell him that for us those who operate in the spirit, people do not touch us. His children should speak with him because me, the prophet, I curse him every day,” he said.

Watch the interview here from 48 minutes:

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