Husband slaps man at Baltimore science conference for ‘sexually assaulting his wife seven years ago’

A furious husband was caught on camera slapping a doctor at a medical conference in Maryland while hurling insults at the man, accusing him of sexually assaulting his wife in 2016. 

The video, which was shot last month during the annual meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in Baltimore, see the man walking up to the podium and slapping him several times across his face. 

The acoustics of the room and nearby microphone ensure that every word is crystal clear for all to hear, with even the crack of each slap against the man’s face reverberating around the meeting room.

The audience member, who has not been named, could be seen grabbing the doctor, who was a panelist on the podium, by his shirt before slapping him with his hand.    

The assaulted doctor has been identified as a gynecologic oncology doctor at Stony Brook University Cancer Center in Long Island, New York, according to WMAR.  He has not been named as he has not been charged with a crime.

Husband slaps man at Baltimore science conference for ‘sexually assaulting his wife seven years ago’

During a Baltimore medical conference a disturbing incident unfolded as an enraged husband confronted and physically assaulted a doctor on the podium

The man approached the doctor on the podium and slapped him across the face several times

The man accused the doctor, left a gynecologic oncology director at Stony Brook University, of sexually assaulting his wife back in 2016 during a two minute tirade

‘This mother****** sexually assaulted my wife seven years ago,’ the audience member announce before slapping the panelist. ‘You know what you did. You touched my wife 7 years ago in New York. Don’t be an a******. B****!’, he says slapping him again.

‘This is for all men who sexually assault women,’ he went on. ‘Be a f***ing man!’

The audience member is so upset as he makes his accusations he declares the assault on the doctor panelist is for all men who harm women in such a manner.

He emphasizes that his wife has been suffering due to his alleged predatory actions. 

A woman calls out, ‘Security!’ – which only enrages the man further.

‘You can call security, the police! I don’t give a f***!’ 

‘This mother****** sexually assaulted my wife seven years ago,’ the audience member announce before slapping the panelist. ‘You know what you did. You touched my wife 7 years ago in New York. Don’t be an a******. B****!’, he says slapping him again

‘This is for all men who sexually assault women,’ he went on. ‘Be a f***ing man!’

A woman calls out, ‘Security!’ – which only enrages the man further. ‘You can call security, the police! I don’t give a f***!’

At one point, an individual off-camera can be heard laughing prompting the audience member to return to the panelists’ table and confront the doctor once again.

‘Seven years I’ve been waiting for this. Seven years! My wife is suffering because you are a f***ing predator,’ he states. ‘And you know what you did! Don’t be a f***ing b***h! You touched my wife! This a****** like to touch women.’

The incident led to a police investigation after officers were called to the conference center to handle the physical assault.

Following the conference, ACOG issued a statement apologizing for the incident.

The man returns to the podium several times as his anger spills over into violence

The doctor attempts to move away from his assailant as he comes back to slap him again

‘Security protocols were followed, and the situation was rapidly addressed by plainclothes security and eventually the Baltimore Police Department. We apologize to those who may have been affected by the incident or subsequent exchanges. ACOG does not condone violence in any form,’  the ACOG said in a statement.

It goes on: ‘We recognize that those who witnessed the incident in person or online may have experienced trauma as a result, including many of you who have experienced sexual assault or other violence in the past.’ 

The doctor who was assaulted declined to press charges or file a report against the man, preferring instead that the husband be simply escorted off the premises, according to the Baltimore Police Department. 

None of the panelists have commented on what had occurred before them. 

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