Hunter REFUSES to testify in public at Republicans’ ‘circus’ hearing with ex-business partners

Hunter Biden is refusing to testify at a public impeachment hearing led by House Republicans next week, as his attorney slams it as a ‘circus act.’

Last week, House Republicans invited Hunter and several of his ex-business partners to testify at the same impeachment hearing setting up a public spectacle.

Abbe Lowell, Hunter’s attorney, wrote to Chairman James Comer Wednesday, saying the invitation is ‘not a serious oversight proceeding.’ 

‘It is your attempt to resuscitate your Conference’s moribund inquiry with a made-for-right-wing-media, circus act,’ he added.

Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., sent out invites to Hunter, Devon Archer, Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis – who is currently incarcerated in Alabama.

Bobulinski, Archer and Galanis have essentially turned on Hunter and it’s unlikely they’d appear together. Galanis is currently in prison for defrauding a Native American tribe – so it’s not clear how he could even appear.  

Hunter REFUSES to testify in public at Republicans’ ‘circus’ hearing with ex-business partners

Republican James Comer say the hearing will ‘examine inconsistencies’ between all four witnesses’ testimonies behind closed doors to ‘get the truth.’ Devon Archer (far left) is seen playing golf in the Hamptons with Hunter (far right) and Joe (next to Hunter)

During Hunter’s private deposition, he insisted his dad did not profit at all from his business dealings and they were all earned of his own merit – not his last name

Attorney Abbe Lowell seemingly walked a public hearing offer back at the conclusion of the president’s son’s closed-door deposition last week

All four men have already given transcribed interviews to Congress where members probed them on Hunter and Joe’s alleged influence peddling. 

Comer says the packed hearing would allow Americans to hear about Joe Biden‘s ‘involvement’ in his family’s ‘domestic and international business dealings.’

It would also ‘examine inconsistencies’ between all four witnesses’ testimonies behind closed doors to ‘get the truth.’

It is highly unlikely all witnesses agree to appear together, or in public at all. 

Hunter had previously had called for a public hearing, but his attorney Abbe Lowell seemingly walked that offer back at the conclusion of the president’s son’s closed-door deposition last week that lasted six hours.

During his private deposition, he insisted his dad did not profit at all from his business dealings and they were all earned of his own merit – not his last name.

Nevertheless, Comer insisted that given Hunter’s ‘repeated calls’ for a public hearing, he fully expects him to appear alongside his associates. 

The in-person hearing that would take place on Wednesday, March 20, has other obstacles to overcome.

‘It seems Chairman Comer has decided his best witnesses now include a federally incarcerated ‘serial fraudster’ and a bitterly frustrated would-be business partner who collaborated with the Trump campaign,’ top Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin said in a statement on the new invites, referring to Galanis and Bobulinski. 

Hunter and Bobulinski have beef after his ex-partner came forward with allegations that Joe was involved in their deal with Chinese company CEFC in 2017.

He also admitted putting his father Joe on speakerphone and inviting him to lunches many times over the years with business associates and ‘friends,’ but insisted he was not involved in his shady dealings with the Chinese, Ukrainians and others. 

‘I’m surprised my dad hasn’t called me right now, and if he did, I would put him on speakerphone to say hi to you and to Congressman Raskin and everybody else in the room. It is nothing nefarious literally,’ Hunter said. 

Meanwhile, Bobulinski unequivocally claimed Hunter profited off his last name and Joe was involved. 

In 2020, Bobulinski publicized a May 2017 email detailing a proposed equity split for a Chinese investment – the 10 percent for the ‘big guy’ note – and first claimed the ‘big guy’ was Joe. 

He also told impeachment investigators that ‘it is also not a coincidence’ that CEFC used the Biden family’s ‘weakest link’ Hunter to funnel in tens of millions of dollars. 

But Hunter disputed last week that his father is the ‘big guy’ referenced and slammed Bobulinski for spewing lies about his family.

‘It did not involve my dad,’ he stated. 

‘I think that it was pie in the sky. Like ‘Joe Biden’s out of the office. Maybe we’ll be able to get him involved,’ Hunter testified.

‘I want to be crystal clear: from my direct personal experience and what I have subsequently come to learn, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the Brand’ being sold by the Biden family,’ Bobulinski said in opening remarks.

He continued to say Joe was ‘more than a participant’ in his family’s business, but rather ‘an enabler, despite being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability.’

‘The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,’ he said. In addition, he detailed how Chinese energy company CEFC ‘successfully sought to infiltrate and compromise’ the Obama-Biden White House.

Bobulinski also previously suggested that he testify publicly before Congress along with Hunter, Jim Biden and Joe Biden.  

Galanis has another challenge altogether. 

He is currently in an Alabama prison, serving out a sentence for defrauding a Native American tribe. 

It is unclear whether Galanis would be able to virtually participate or if lawmakers could work with the Bureau of Prisons to make other arrangements.

He told Republican impeachment investigators that the ‘Biden lift’ was why he did business with the first son, claiming it helped close deals they believed would make them billions. 

The ”Biden lift’ that we talked about was access. Access meant to us at the time, being in the business of acquiring other businesses, to persuade third-parties to do business with us,’ Galanis explained in transcripts made public on Monday.

Devon Archer, who testified privately last summer, has appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show and would likely be open to appearing publicly. 

However, he has said he has not talked to Hunter, his former best friend, in many years. So their reunion would likely be awkward especially after he has talked in depth about the Biden family dynamics. 

Tony Bobulinski was in business with Hunter Biden, and has claimed that Joe Biden was also involved in a May 2017 deal with China

Biden impeachment investigators traveled to an Alabama prison to speak with Jason Galanis, who is currently serving a 14-year sentence for defrauding a Native American tribe

Hunter’s Biden’s former friend and business partner Devon Archer arrived on Capitol Hill Monday to give bombshell testimony before the House Oversight Committee

Archer testified about Hunter’s role on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, which he was paid over $80,000 a month for.  

Archer testified last summer that Burisma CFO Vadim Pozharskyi and CEO Nikola Zlochevsky put ‘constant pressure’ on Hunter in 2015 to get his father to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma.

Hunter Biden, along with Zlochevsky and Pozharski, reportedly ‘called D.C.’ to discuss Shokin. 

In March 2016, Joe Biden is alleged to have threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if Shokin was not fired for corruption.

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