Hundreds of anti-vaxx protesters swarm Melbourne

Hundreds of anti-vaxx protesters swarm Melbourne to march for ‘freedom of choice’ after Dan Andrews’ divisive pandemic bill passed

  • Hundreds of protestors have marched in Melbourne to protest pandemic bill
  • Protestors waved signs reading ‘power to the people’ and ‘freedom of choice’ 
  • The rally adds to weeks of demonstrations against the new bill in Victoria capital 

Thousands of protesters have gathered in Melbourne CBD to rally for ‘freedom of choice’.

The crowd gathered at the steps of parliament at midday on Saturday for another weekend of protests to rally against vaccine mandates and passports and new pandemic laws.

They have been waving signs that read ‘power to the people’ and ‘freedom of choice’.

Hundreds of anti-vaxx protesters swarm Melbourne

Thousands of protesters have gathered in Melbourne CBD to rally for ‘freedom of choice’

The group gathered at the steps of parliament at midday on Saturday for another weekend of protests

They have been waving signs that read ‘power to the people’ and ‘freedom of choice’

Many are chanting ‘kill the bill’ and ‘sack Dan Andrews’ in protest of the state government’s pandemic law.

The emergency bill passed the upper house on Thursday and grants the premier sweeping new powers as well as tougher penalties for public health order breaches.

Residents and business owners can face up to two years in jail and more than $45,000 in fines.

The mass demonstration has blocked off roads and brought traffic to a standstill along Spring Street. 

Police have turned out in full force with mounted officers blocking off the steps of Parliament. 

Several flags have been hoisted into the air including the Australian and Eureka flags. 

Demonstrators made their way to Treasury Gardens before an acoustic band began performing. 

Ex-Liberal MP turned United Australia Party candidate Craig Kelly is expected to speak at the rally. 

A counter protest is also expected to kick off with anti-fascist groups set to rally against the ‘freedom’ protestors.  

The rally adds to weeks of demonstrations in the city as residents continue to oppose the bill and vaccine mandates.  

Police estimated about 20,000 people attended the most recent rally last Saturday.

Protestors unfurl the Australian flag as the demonstration unfolds in Melbourne on Saturday

The emergency bill passed the upper house on Thursday and grants the premier sweeping new powers as well as tougher penalties for public health order breaches

The rally adds to weeks of demonstrations in the city as residents continue to oppose the bill and vaccine mandates

Protesters blocked Spring Street in the state’s CBD brandishing banners and beating drums as they marched toward Bourke Street chanting ‘sack Dan Andrews’.

Groups of individuals held up flags in amongst the crowds, waving Australian, Aboriginal and Eureka flags.

Flags of countries were also seen at the protests which included flags from Greece, Lebanon and North Macedonia.

Signs were also seen in the large crowds of protestors which read: ‘fear God not Dan,’ and ‘end segregation now.’

Independent MP Catherine Cumming made another appearance in the crowd as she was seen dancing to the music.

More to come 

Many are chanting ‘kill the bill’ and ‘sack Dan Andrews’ in protest of the state government’s pandemic law 


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