How Just Stop Oil eco clowns are brazenly raising money to buy super glue and paint for more infuriating stunts in coming weeks – with around £20,000 already raised

  • The group is receiving online donations to buy glue, paint and sports tickets
  • A £30 donation would go towards a jigsaw to scatter at a Wimbledon court
  • A ‘big night out’ at the snooker would set a donor back £300

Just Stop Oil activists are brazenly raising money online to buy super glue and paint for stunts in the coming weeks.

The group has already raked in £19,467 of a new £100,000 target to heap misery again on the public in 2024.

And the shameless bunch are openly mocking police and the authorities by boasting about the chaos the money collected will cause.

It includes tickets for major sporting events, super glue, paint and other items used for protests.

How Just Stop Oil eco clowns are brazenly raising money to buy super glue and paint for more infuriating stunts in coming weeks – with around £20,000 already raised

Just Stop Oil activists are brazenly raising money online to buy super glue, paint and tickets to sporting events for stunts in the coming weeks

The shameless bunch are openly mocking police and the authorities by boasting online about the chaos the money collected will cause

Initially set up for Christmas, hundreds have been raised in the last few days for stunts – many of which will likely be against the law

And bus tickets to protest outside the home of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Initially set up for Christmas, hundreds have been raised in the last few days for stunts – many of which will likely be against the law.

One post on the fundraiser, which was started on the website, said: ‘Give £10 to buy a bike lock for a student. Lock-ons with D locks, usually meant for bikes, can cause hours of work for police tasked with stopping protests.’

Another said: ‘Donate £5 to buy superglue for a granny. Glueing-on is an absolutely classic action. Support it with a small donation.’

One option is a £30 donation which the group says will go towards buying a jigsaw for someone to go to Wimbledon with.

This is what happened last year when a demonstrator stormed one of the courts.

It also says £50 buys bus tickets for carol singers outside Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s house – a threat of targeting his home again.

The group said £75 would go towards a fire extinguisher full of paint, a common item of choice for Just Stop Oil demonstrators.

And £300 gets a ‘big night out’ at the snooker – with a chance of copying one of its biggest pranks last year when they invaded the World Championships.

One option is a £30 donation which the group says will go towards buying a jigsaw for someone to go to Wimbledon with. This stunt was seen last July on court 18 during a match between Katie Boulter and Daria Saville

A £300 donation gets a ‘big night out’ at the snooker – with a chance of copying one of its biggest pranks last April when they invaded the World Championships in Sheffield

Another donation option involves giving £150 to buy tickets to a football match.

Thousands of pounds is still being raised on the website for the action.

One Just Stop Oil source said: ‘2024 promises to be another year of mass disruption and chaos and we have people donating thousands to the cause.’

Tory MP Nigel Mills said: ‘This is disgraceful. I hope the police can finally take firm and proper action against this group this year.’

Just Stop Oil were approached for comment.

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