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How can a product of corruption fight corruption?

How can a product of corruption fight corruption?

• The speaker of parliament is set to fight against corruption

Alban Bagbin says the next government will change the face of governance

• He believes this will positively impact the nation

The speaker of parliament, Alban Bagbin, has vowed to change the face of politics in the next legislature as he will rectify all the wrongs in governance.

This he says will be done by ensuring that lawmakers disclose their source of money and how they spend it as they cannot spend monies anyhow and claim they are corruption-free.

“How can a product of corruption fight corruption?”, he quizzed

“We will lead legislation in this country, the next politics you have to disclose the source of your money and account for how you spend it, yes, that is how democracies are ran. We just won’t allow you to go for money anywhere and come and spend it anyhow and then you say that you are running a corruption-free government. How can that happen when you have come in with corruption. How can a product of corruption fight corruption? Please let’s not pretend,” he said.

Speaking on the floor of the house, Alban Bagbin said it is time for the country to change the old ways of governance to a smart way of governance. This he says can be achieved if the constitution is reviewed.

“If you have an executive president you don’t have cabinet with cabinet approval. In any case, in our constitution, there’s nothing like cabinet approval. Under our laws, there’s nothing like cabinet approvals, cabinet is advisory. It’s very clear in the constitution but everybody is talking about ‘has it been approved by parliament’ when even you have executive president… but that is what we’re practicing not even according to our constitution. We have to relook at all these things.

“And that is why some of us having been putting pressure that we should look at the constitutional review commission report and update, revise some provisions of our constitutions,” he added.

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