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Health Minister Launches HD4HL Project | Health

Health Minister Launches HD4HL Project | Health

The Ministry of Health, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu has launched the Developing evidence and action toward a double-duty food-based policy bundle to assure healthier diets in Ghana”.

This Project is being co-implemented by a coalition of government agencies (including the Ministry of Health, Food and Drugs Authority, National Development Planning Commission), Academia (led by the University of Ghana School of Public Health) and Civil Society (led by the Coalition of Actors for Public Health Advocacy). 

The Project aims to build evidence and mobilize multi-stakeholder actions toward a policy bundle for healthier and more equitable consumer food environments in Ghana.

The minister, Hon. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu pledged the government’s commitment in providing and improving the Ghanaian food environment by implementing among others food-based dietary guidelines to facilitate the implementation of a set of food-based policies for Ghana.

He made this call during a project launch which is co-implemented by a coalition of Government agencies and Civil society.

The project is titled “Developing evidence and action toward a double-duty food-based policy bundle to assure healthier diets in Ghana.

Hon Agyenim Manu in his keynote address through zoom noted that the project will help Ghanaians make healthier choices and get access to quality health service delivery.

The government have committed to end all forms of malnutrition, including obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases, such as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer and a range of recommendations were available to guide governments to act on their commitment, including to ensure healthy foods in public settings, he said. 

According to the WHO, unhealthy diets were a leading cause of mortality, and led to significant healthcare costs and lost productivity for individuals, communities and society.

The Principal Investigator of the Healthier Diets for Healthy Lives (HD4HL) project, Prof Amos Laar in an interview with Radio Universe said these projects aim is to develop a prone intervention and policy development and implementation that will focus on measuring the healthiness of Ghanaian food environments to prevent obesity and non-communicable diseases.




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