Harris pushes for green energy as Americans face record gas prices

As Russia invades Ukraine, shelling civilians and reportedly committing war crime-level brutality, President Biden has put harsh sanctions to Kremlin-tied businesses, banks and oligarchs, but not the oil and gas industry. 

Both Republicans and Democrats, even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have called for the U.S. to quit doing business with Russia’s oil and gas industry. But the White House, forced to grapple with inflation at levels not seen in 40 years, cited the potential rise in costs at the pump and has so far resisted bipartisan pressure to ban Russian fuel imports. 

But on Monday it was reported that the Biden administration is considering moving forward with such a ban, with or without the backing of other European leaders. Biden is expected to hold a video conference with leaders from Germany, France and the United Kingdom to seek their support for a ban on the imports.   

Experts say that U.S. oil and gas supply could likely recover from a Russia ban as their fuel accounts for a small share of total product, and the nation could turn to wells here at home or ask other nations to increase supply. 

Where does the US get its oil?

Russia is the third largest exporter of crude oil and petroleum products to the U.S. America gets most of its crude imports first from Canada, 51.3 percent, then from Mexico, 8.4 percent, then Russia, 7.9 percent, then Saudi Arabia, 5.1 percent, according to 2021 statistics from the Energy Information Agency.

Imports for crude oil, used to make gasoline, were an even smaller share – Russia provided the U.S. with 3.5 percent of its crude oil imports.   

Harris pushes for green energy as Americans face record gas prices

How much have Russian oil imports increased under the Biden administration? 

The U.S. increased its share of Russian crude oil and petroleum products significantly during President Biden’s first year in office. ‘When you look at total imports of Russian crude oil and petroleum products last year they jumped 24 percent to a record 245 million barrels,’ global energy analyst Stephen Schork told in an interview.   

‘That massive infusion of petrol dollars into Putin’s war chest has helped fund his misadventures in Ukraine.’ 

Imports of crude oil alone surged 162 percent. In 2020, the U.S. imported 28 million barrels of Russian crude oil.  Now that number is up to 73 million barrels.   

The U.S. as of 2021 got about 209,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Russia. It gets another 500,000 barrels per day of other petroleum products.  

Schork said that the U.S. increasingly relies on Russian oil because the Biden administration has shown hostility to the oil and gas industry. 

‘The White House has declared war on oil and gas industry, made it clear they’re gunning for industry. The oil industry has taken its cue.’

‘The Biden administration has made it well clear they’re steering dollars away fossil fuel investment given it to windmills. They’re not giving any sort of signal to the industry to yes, please increase domestic production. The message is no, renewables are the answer and in the meantime over next 10, 20 years were still going to be importing Russian oil, Venezuelan oil,’ he said. 

 What would the effect be on price? 

The effect would largely depend on whether the U.S. went forward with sanctions unilaterally or in lockstep with its allies. 

Experts largely agree that the U.S. could make up for a Russian oil ban without massive disruptions or price increases, but Europe may have a harder time following suit.  

‘The whole idea that this is inflationary is completely overstated,’ said Bill Snape, who with the Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition to ban Russian fossil fuels. ‘We get 50, 60 percent from Canada, that would be a different story.’

But the U.S. has so far put on a united front with NATO allies, pursuing sanctions at the same time to further isolate Putin. 

Sixty percent of Russia’s oil exports go to Europe, accounting for about a third of Europe’s oil demand. 

‘That’s why the markets reacted so strongly to that was not the suggestion that the us wold find some other oil sources because they could do that but more because this might be the first step towards comprehensive oil sanction on Russia,’ Professor David Coleman, who teaches Oil and Gas Law at Southern Methodist University, told 

‘It would be a mostly symbolic step if the US banned Russian oil. If Europe follows suit it would have a huge effect,’ he said. 

On Sunday Sec. of State Antony Blinken implied that he was working with European leaders on a potential ban of Russian oil, but German Chancellor Olaf Scholz threw cold water on the idea Monday morning. 

‘We are now in very active discussions with our European partners about banning the import of Russian oil to our countries while, of course, at the same time maintaining a steady global supply of oil,’ Blinken said on NBC’s Meet the Press. 

Scholz then said he would not support the ban, calling Russian oil ‘essential’ to Europe’s economy.  

Russian crude oil imports have also increased since 2019 when the U.S. cut domestic relations with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s regime and imposed sanctions on the nation, accorfing to the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) trade association.

A ban on Russian gas would be even harder to implement for the Europeans, who rely on Moscow for 40 percent of their natural gas needs. Unlike crude oil and petroleum, natural gas must be transported through pipelines, and it could take Europe years to build the infrastructure needed to get proper supplies of natural gas from other places. Many liquified natural gas terminals that receive deliveries from the U.S. and Qatar are already maxed out. 

How much are Russian fuel sales financing the war?  

Russia is taking in a whopping $1 billion per day for the oil and gas products it sells to the West each day. It currently sells around 5 million barrels of oil every day, where prices are increasing rapidly. Total revenues for crude oil and refined products amount to about $700 million per day. 

Where could the U.S. get its oil without Russia? 

Republicans have for weeks called on the Biden administration to encourage more more oil production within the U.S.  

In 2019 the U.S. was the largest crude oil producer in the world, pumping out 13 million barrels per day. Now the nations pumps about 11.5 million barrels per day. 

And while the U.S. imports crude oil from around the world, it is still exporting millions of barrels per day. ‘Perhaps we would export a little less oil and hold onto the oil,’ proffered Snape. 

But one hindrance on keeping oil at home is the 1920 Jones Act. The protectionist law says that ships carrying goods between U.S. ports must be built, crewed and owned by Americans, putting US-made products at a disadvantage against foreign competitors which can use market-rate shipping. 

The U.S. could also turn to Canada or Latin America to pump up exports. Over the weekend the Biden administration sent a delegation to Venezuela, a close ally of Russia, to meet with the Maduro administration, seeking to rebuild diplomatic relations and plead for more oil. 

Schork called the idea that Venezuela could pump more oil ‘a joke,’ and said the Biden administration should focus on being less hostile to domestic production. 

‘The Venezuelan oil industry is a shell of itself due to 20 years of Hugo Chavez’s socialism. Even if Venezuelan production was up, Maduro is in bed with Putin. So we are going to Iran which is a state sponsor of terrorism. We’d rather negotiate with terrorists than Texans.’ 

Sen. Marco Rubio agreed, writing on Twitter: ‘Joe Biden using #Russia as an excuse to do the deal they always wanted to do anyway with the #MaduroRegime… Rather than produce more American oil he wants to replace the oil we buy from one murderous dictator with oil from another murderous dictator.’ 

The U.S. is also nearing agreement on a new nuclear deal with Iran that could lift sanctions and return Iranian oil to market. 

Biden is also reportedly eyeing up a trip to Saudi Arabia after OPEC nations have for months rebuffed his requests to pump more oil. Biden during the campaign trail promised to make Saudi Arabia a ‘pariah’ and blamed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. 

The U.S.’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve held 588 million barrels as of the end of January, according to the Energy Department, and Biden last week released 30 million barrels from the reserve in an agreement with European countries that together would release a total of 60 million barrels. 

On Monday White House press secretary Jen Psaki again placed blame on the oil and gas industry for not pumping more oil. Asked why the White House was not doing more to increase domestic production, she repeated a line she’d used last week: that there are 9,000 oil and gas drilling leases that have gone unused. ‘I would suggest you ask the oil companies why they’re not using those,’ she said. 

‘The suggestion we are not allowing companies to drill is inaccurate,’ the press secretary continued.  

Psaki pointed out: ‘The US produced more oil this past year than in President Trump’s first year.’ 

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