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Haiti prosecutor seeks charges against PM Ariel Henry in connection with president’s assassination

Haiti prosecutor seeks charges against PM Ariel Henry in connection with president’s assassination

Port-au-Prince’s chief prosecutor Bedford Claude previously invited Henry to testify about the case, citing evidence that a key suspect in the assassination called him in the hours after the murder. Henry was due to testify on Tuesday morning.

That suspect, former Haitian Justice Ministry official Joseph Felix Badio, is currently believed to be on the run.

Claude told CNN that he is discussing possible charges against Henry with the judge.

The late President Moise was brutally killed during an attack on his private residence on July 7. The investigation into his killing is ongoing, and has turned up dozens of suspects, including US and Colombian citizens.

Moise’s death prompted a weeks-long standoff over succession in the country’s leadership between the recently nominated Henry — a neurologist by training — and then-acting Prime Minister Claude Joseph, before Henry ultimately took power.

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