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God Created Two Genders, Male And Female – Donald Trump Hits LGBTQ+ | General News

God Created Two Genders, Male And Female – Donald Trump Hits LGBTQ+ | General News

Former United States president Donald Trump has restated his conservative views on gender.

Trump says God originally created two genders – male and female – in a swipe at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) community.

Whiles addressing a gathering over the weekend, the former president emphasized that if he is re-elected, he will take action to defeat what he called toxic poison of gender ideology.

“I will take historic action to defeat the toxic poison of gender ideology and reassert (that) in the beginning, God created two genders, male and female,” he stated to cheers from the audience.

Trump is known to have put in place policies that were seen as anti-LGBTQ+ during his time in office. Most of those policies have since been reversed by his successor, Joe Biden.

In Ghana, there is currently a bill before parliament which aims to criminalize expressly the activities of people engaged in LGBTQ+ activities.



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