George Santos denies ‘false’ claim he was a drag queen in Brazil, slams ‘outrageous’ media reports

So what’s actually true, George? Fabulist Republican Santos slams ‘false’ claims he was a drag queen, calls allegations he let a dog die ‘insane’ and attacks media for making ‘outrageous claims about my life’ after litany of lies unraveled


  • Beleaguered New York Republican Rep. George Santos is hitting back at reports that he performed as a drag queen named Kitara in Brazil 15 years ago
  • Two acquaintances claim he participated in drag beauty pageants, per Reuters
  • He’s identified as one of two people cross-dressing in a 2008 photo

George Santos denies ‘false’ claim he was a drag queen in Brazil, slams ‘outrageous’ media reports

Embattled freshman Republican Rep. George Santos of New York has been under growing pressure to resign as key details of his backstory continue to unravel. He has thus far refused to step down

New York Republican Rep. George Santos denied a pair of unseemly allegations on Thursday morning, as questions mount over the freshman lawmaker’s unraveling backstory.

He called claims that he ‘performed’ as a drag queen named Kitara in Brazil circa 2008 ‘false,’ while also calling accusations that he swindled a disabled veteran out of medical dollars for his sick dog ‘insane.’

Santos, who is under growing pressure to resign as details of his backstory continue to unravel, was identified in a 15-year-old photo depicting two drag queens on Brazil’s Icaraí Beach.

A Brazilian drag queen named Eula Rochard told independent journalist Marisa Kabas that she was the other person in the photo and named Santos, now 34, as her friend alongside her.

But the freshman congressman denounced the claim as ‘false’ and accused the media of chasing ‘outrageous’ stories.

‘The most recent obsession from the media claiming that I am a drag Queen or “performed” as a drag Queen is categorically false,’ Santos wrote on Twitter Thursday morning.

‘The media continues to make outrageous claims about my life while I am working to deliver results. I will not be distracted nor fazed by this.’

He’s rebuffed all calls to step down, and since getting to Capitol Hill, has appeared to align himself with conservative lawmakers – many of whom have made opposition to community drag shows a cornerstone of their culture war platforms. 

But in the 2008 photo, the person identified as Santos appears to be dressed in a strapless red top or dress while sporting longer brown hair. While the photo is grainy, some element of makeup is visible. 

His Democratic critics accused Santos of hypocrisy for aligning himself with people whose ideologies see the drag community as an object of scorn. 

Santos’ Congressional office did not return a request for comment sent by on Wednesday night. 

On Thursday morning, Santos lashed out against claims that he once performed as a drag queen in Brazil

Two acquaintances of the beleaguered congressman told Reuters in a late Wednesday report that Santos participated in Brazilian drag shows a decade and a half ago.

One of those people was Rouchard, who claimed Santos was involved in Rio de Janeiro’s cross-dressing scene since around 2005.

Rochard reportedly recalled Santos going by ‘Anthony’ rather than ‘George’ at the time. She said she was in her late teens when she knew Santos.

George Anthony Devolder Santos is the congressman’s full name. 

‘Anthony Devolder’ was also the name Santos used when he allegedly scammed a disabled veteran out of charity money to save his dying dog.

Santos reacted to that accusation on Twitter Thursday, The reports that I would let a dog die is shocking & insane.’

‘My work in animal advocacy was the labor of love & hard work. Over the past 24hr I have received pictures of dogs I helped reduce throughout the years along with supportive messages,’ he wrote. ‘These distractions won’t stop me!’ 

This photo emerged on Wednesday, allegedly depicting Santos, now 34, cross dressing in 2008

 Navy veteran Rich Osthoff, who was homeless at the time, told CNN he was connected to Santos as someone who had experience rescuing animals when his service dog, a pit bull named Sapphire, developed a tumor.

Santos purportedly set up a GoFundMe for the dog. But after he raised $3,000 he reportedly became hard to reach and eventually disappeared with the funds. 

The dog died.

And House Republican leaders guaranteed that Santos will have his own Congressional workload, despite mounting concern over his place on Capitol Hill.

He’ll be serving on two committees in the 118th Congress – the Small Business panel and the Committee on Science, Space and Technology.

Meanwhile, Santos is under federal and state investigations as well as a Congressional ethics inquiry amid questions over how he came about his recent personal wealth, including the $700,000 he donated to his 2022 campaign.


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