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Gender Minister calls for concerted effort to combat gender-based violence

Gender Minister calls for concerted effort to combat gender-based violence

Minister for Gender, Children, and Social Protection, Lariba Zuweira Abudu, has called for a concerted effort to combat gender-based violence in the country.

According to her, despite increased efforts to address the issue, violence against women and girls remains pervasive, particularly in Northern Ghana, due to what she describes as interference by traditional and cultural norms.

Data from a 2016 domestic violence survey reveals that 27.7% of Ghanaian women have encountered various forms of domestic violence, while 38.2% of adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 reportedly experienced at least one form of violence, according to the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey from 2017 through 2018.

Notably, these incidents predominantly occur within educational institutions and workplaces.

Speaking at the launch of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign against gender-based violence in Tamale, the Minister stressed the urgency for collective action to combat the issue of gender-based violence, emphasizing the necessity for concerted efforts to address the same.

“Gender-Based Violence is a common occurrence around us today that constitutes serious offenses, yet nobody is talking about it because of the beliefs and cultural norms we are all experiencing. And I think that this is the time for us to come together to stop gender-based violence, especially in the Northern Region. It is my firm belief that collective action is the way to go.”

In support, Madam Lamnatu Adam, the Executive Director of Songtaba, a Non-Governmental Organization in the Northern Region, praised the government for allocating funds to the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection.

However, she emphasized the importance of stakeholders collaborating closely with the government to increase investments in combating gender-based violence within the country.

“Issues affecting women are quite broad. We are calling for more investment because women’s issues encompass health, education, and the provision of services that benefit women and girls. So, beyond the Ministry of Gender, we need to see collaboration within the ministries, inter-ministerial collaboration, and departments. Because we all know how holistic issues around girls can be.”

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