Gavin Newsom brushes off concerns about Joe Biden’s age and offers UNEQUIVOCAL support to president and Kamala Harris and claims they’ve produced a ‘masterclass’ in government: Cautions that Hunter IS a problem for White House

Gavin Newsom brushes off concerns about Joe Biden’s age and offers UNEQUIVOCAL support to president and Kamala Harris and claims they’ve produced a ‘masterclass’ in government: Cautions that Hunter IS a problem for White House

California‘s governor was effusive in his praise of Joe Biden in a new CNN interview, declaring that the 80-year-old had delivered ‘a masterclass’ in governance, and brushing aside concerns about his age.

Gavin Newsom is strongly suspected of harboring White House aspirations of his own, but on Monday he was adamant that Biden was the best man for the job, laughing off questions as to whether he was considering challenging the incumbent.

Only a third of voters think Biden will remain in office through a second term, if re-elected, and CNN’s Dana Bash asked Newsom whether voters had the right to be concerned.

‘Voters have every right to be concerned,’ he said. ‘But Bobby Kennedy said it best: what the world needs are the qualities of youth, not a time of life but a state of mind. A quality of imagination.

‘I couldn’t imagine this, three years ago, that this president could accomplish so much in such a short period of time.’

He said he wanted ‘a season pro, who knows how to get things done.’

Gavin Newsom brushes off concerns about Joe Biden’s age and offers UNEQUIVOCAL support to president and Kamala Harris and claims they’ve produced a ‘masterclass’ in government: Cautions that Hunter IS a problem for White House

Gavin Newsom on Monday told CNN that he was not concerned about Joe Biden’s age, and wanted ‘a seasoned pro’ in the White House

Newsom continued: ‘And the results are in: it’s been a masterclass. There’s simply been no administration in my lifetime that has been more effective in producing more substantive results.’

Biden, 80, is the oldest person ever elected president, and his age is worrying many voters across the political spectrum. A poll last month reveals 77 percent of Americans – including 69 percent of Democrats – think Biden is too old for a second term.

He said that Kamala Harris was vital to Biden’s success – despite her widespread unpopularity.

Newsom, 55, and Harris, 58, both Californians, are old friends.

Newsom was mayor of San Francisco and won two elections as lieutenant governor of California before becoming governor.

Harris was a San Francisco prosecutor who won two local elections for attorney general, before becoming a U.S. senator in 2016.

Some have suggested Biden should ditch Harris, but Newsom said she was ‘absolutely’ the best person to be his running mate in 2024. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Californian representative, last week would not say, and demurred when asked.

‘By definition, if I think this administration in the last two or three years has been one of the most outstanding administrations in the last decades, and she’s a member of the administration, she gets to claim credit.

‘The answer is yes: absolutely.’

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