Fredrik Blencke granted bail despite magistrate calling him ‘out of control’ after alleged assault

A fund manager accused of assaulting his wife inside a children’s hospital has been granted bail despite a magistrate describing him as ‘out of control’. 

Fredrik Blencke faced Waverley Local Court on Wednesday after spending Christmas and New Year in jail, when he was refused bail for breaching an Apprehended Violence Order.

The court heard that among the charges Blencke is facing, he is is accused of assaulting his wife Annabelle Price inside a ward of the Sydney Children’s Hospital – prompting several nurses to rush to her aid and order him to leave.

‘The accused acted brazenly… The victim called out for help and several nurses intervened,’ the police prosecutor told the court. 

The alleged incident happened on November 14 last year.

The court heard that a month later, Blencke is accused of acting aggresively inside the couple’s luxury Vaucluse mansion, where they pay $3,400 a week rent. 

Fredrik Blencke granted bail despite magistrate calling him ‘out of control’ after alleged assault

A high flying fund manager accused of assaulting his wife inside a children’s hospital has been granted bail despite a magistrate describing him as ‘out of control’

On December 15, Blencke allegedly ‘struck his fists’ on the island bench in the kitchen, causing the bench to shake so intensely it was felt by a 12-month-old child, who was sitting in a nearby high chair. 

He was charged with one count of common assault and two counts of contravening an apprehended violence order.   

In applying for bail, barrister John Korn said Blencke was prepared to reside in Byron Bay if he were released – 750km or eight hours away from his wife in Sydney. 

Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge expressed ‘great concern over [Blencke’s] disposition and described his behaviour as ‘out of control’, but agreed the proposition mitigated any risk to his wife.   

Bail was granted with strict conditions, which include Blencke not travelling within the Greater Sydney region without prior approval from the court. 

Fredrik Blencke (pictured with his wife) was charged with one count of common assault and two counts of contravening an apprehended violence order after an alleged incident at the couple’s home

Instead, he’ll spend his days in Federal, a tiny hinterland town about 30 minutes’ from the heart of Byron Bay with just a shopping centre and tennis court for entertainment, according to his legal team.

The 48-year-old also volunteered to seek counselling specifically to deal with the breakdown of his marriage.  

He will be required to report to Byron Bay Shire police station each Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. 

While it’s a great improvement from Parklea Prison in Sydney’s west – which is where Blencke spent Christmas and New Years Eve – he will not be returning to the life he is accustomed to.

His estranged wife and children will remain in their luxury mansion in Sydney’s east, and Blencke is not permitted to contact Ms Price. 

 At one stage, Magistrate Milledge addressed the court, describing the constant interruptions and technical challenges during Covid as frustrating and noting ‘people deserve better than this system’. Blencke immediately turned on the charm, agreeing and laughing at the comment before adding: ‘You should see what jail is like’

He is also forbidden from attending any licensed premises as part of his strict bail conditions, drink alcohol or consume illicit drugs.  

‘Not even a Chinese restaurant, Mr Blencke,’ the magistrate told him. ‘You’ll be dining on take away only.’  

Bail was granted despite opposition by the police prosecutor, who insisted he posed an unacceptable risk to his estranged wife. 

The prosecution noted he had previously breached his bail and an apprehended violence order in place for his estranged wife’s safety. 

‘With those bail conditions I agree it would be practically impossible to pose a risk to the victim, but that’s on the proviso he complies with bail, which he’s demonstrated he hasn’t in the past,’ prosecution argued.

The court heard Blencke ‘struck his fists’ on the island bench in the couple’s kitchen, causing the bench to shake so intensely it was felt by his 12-month-old child, who was sitting in a nearby high chair

The court heard prosecutors will be seeking a full time custodial sentence if Blencke is found guilty of the offences he is accused of. 

Mr Korn agreed his client’s ‘out of control behaviour needs to be addressed’ but argued a bail application is not the time nor place.

‘I do not intend this bail application to get into the nitty gritty of what happened,’ he said. ‘His out of control behaviour is something that needs to be addressed… and will be dealt with in time.’ 

The decision to grant bail came after a series of technical difficulties which made it hard for the court to get onto his legal representatives.

At one stage, Magistrate Milledge addressed the court, describing the constant interruptions and technical challenges during Covid as frustrating and noting ‘people deserve better than this system’.

Blencke immediately turned on the charm, agreeing and laughing at the comment before adding: ‘You should see what jail is like.’  

‘It’s terrible,’ he added. 

The high-profile investment banker and his wife are close associates of Ellie and Charlie Aitken, and Hollie and Christopher Nasser, two former couples at the centre of a society love rift which rocked Sydney’s eastern suburbs in late 2021.  

Blencke previously indicated he would fight the charges.

‘I categorically deny the allegations and condemn the use of AVO proceedings to obtain leverage in post separation conflict, diverting policing and court resources from genuine victims,’ he said in a statement provided to the Daily Telegraph.

‘I am completely devoted to each of my three children and am determined to fight these false allegations.’

Fredrik Blencke and his wife are friends with Ellie and Charlie Aitken, and Hollie and Christopher Nasser, socialites in double marriage bust-up Pictured left to right: Blencke, Mr Nasser, Hollie Nasser, Ellie Aitken, Charlie Aitken

Earlier in 2021, Blencke was involved in an altercation at Hotel Ravesis in Bondi, allegedly resisting arrest and assaulting a constable and senior constable after he was asked to leave the venue by security.

He is accused of kicking an officer in the head during the alleged assault. 

Blencke has pleaded not guilty to assaulting an officer, resisting arrest and remaining in the vicinity of a licensed premises.

He will return to court on May 27, 2022 to defend those charges.

Blencke and his wife are close associates of Ellie and Charlie Aitken, and Hollie and Christopher Nasser.

The group are regularly seen at functions together, most recently posing for a photograph as they celebrated a mutual friend’s party on a Bondi rooftop.

Mr Aitken announced in November he’d separated from his wife of 19 years and moved on with her younger best friend, Hollie, effectively ending two friendships and his business partnership with Mr Nasser.

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