Frankston, Melbourne: Toddler is viciously mauled by a dog just metres from her house – as disturbing extent of her injuries are laid bare

A toddler was viciously mauled by a dog just metres away from her home with the injuries so bad she was forced to undergo surgery. 

Georgie O’Keefe, 27, and her 19-month-old daughter Blair were on their way to the shops near Foot Street in Frankston, Melbourne‘s south, last Friday. 

The pair had barely made it past their house when they saw a brown Stafforshire Terrier without its leash, collar or owner.

Ms O’Keefe said that Blair, who loves dogs, walked up to the canine thinking it just wanted to play before the animal pounced on her. 

‘I screamed, I was like “get away” and it just scurried off and then I picked (Blair) up and ran inside,’ she told 7 News

She shared a photograph of her daughter to Facebook, showing her daughter’s face wounded and covered in patches of blood. 

A large scratch was left on Blair’s forehead and the toddler was also left with a smaller scratch on her left cheek. 

‘The dog ran off after I started screaming so I couldn’t get any photos,’ Ms O’Keefe wrote. 

Frankston, Melbourne: Toddler is viciously mauled by a dog just metres from her house – as disturbing extent of her injuries are laid bare

Blair, who is just 19 months old (pictured) was attacked by the off-leash dog just metres away from her home in Frankston, in Melbourne’s south, last Friday afternoon 

Blair was rushed to hospital where she had to wait for 10 hours along with her mother to be treated by a plastic surgeon. 

She had to have seven stiches after the doctor cleaned up the deep cuts. 

Ms O’Keefe said Blair is recovering and has since been discharged from hospital. 

The young mum, who owns a pooch herself, slammed the owner of the dog that attacked her daughter.  

‘My dog would never do that. If my dog got out on the street, it would never attack a child,’ she said. 

‘The owners need to take responsibility for this.’

Ms O’Keefe said the dog should be put down to protect the safety of the community. 

Pet owners must be keep their dogs on a leash in all public places, including on a footpath. 

The rule doesn’t apply to designated off-leash park areas.  

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Frankston City Council for comment.  

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