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Former Zebilla MP John Ndebugre dies

Former Zebilla MP John Ndebugre dies

A former Member of Parliament for Zebila, John Ndebugre has passed on aged 72.

Mr. Ndebugre passed on at his residence in Zebilla on Friday afternoon, May 6, 2022.

It is unclear what caused his death, but family sources say, he was battling a short illness until his demise.

The body has been deposited at the mortuary of the Upper East Regional Hospital morgue for preservation.

The late politician and lawyer was known to be a vociferous person who shared strong views on pertinent national issues.

He served as PNDC Upper East Regional Secretary with renowned lawyer, Martin Amidu as his deputy at the time.

He pursued a degree in chemical engineering at the Kwame Nkrumah .University of Science and Technology and was subsequently called to the bar in 1988 after reading law.

He served in other capacities until he fell out with the late Jerry John Rawlings.

He left behind a widow and four children.

The private legal practitioner hails from Tinmonde in the Bawku West District of the Upper East Region.

Reacting to news of his death, the Member of Parliament for Zebilla, Cletus Avoka extolled Mr. Ndebugre for his credentials.

“He has a very brilliant academic career. All those who know him can testify to his ability. He is very forthright. He has a lot of passion for what he does and what he believes in. He is a brilliant lawyer. I think the whole country has lost an illustrious politician,” Mr. Avoka said on Eyewitness News.

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