Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says Jan. 6 riots is the result of what happe

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says Jan. 6 riots is the result of what happens ‘when people are being lied to about the elections’

  • Schwarzenegger, 74, was asked about a video he released after Jan. 6 riot 
  • He had compared the siege to Kristallnacht, a Nazi pogrom in 1938 
  • Austrian-born actor said his intention was ‘not to call anyone a Nazi’
  • But he wanted to illustrate the dangers of what happens when politicians tell lies 

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has said the January 6 riot is the result of what happens ‘when people are being lied to about the elections.’

The Hollywood icon, 74, was asked about a video he released at the time in which he claimed that the siege at the Capitol was akin to Kristallnacht, ‘the night of broken glass’, when Nazi thugs attacked Jewish businesses in Germany in 1938. 

Speaking to CNN‘s Dana Bash, Schwarzenegger explained that his intention was ‘not to call anyone a Nazi’ but to demonstrate that dishonesty about elections was a slippery slope towards chaos.

He also said that politics in the US had become too partisan and urged Republicans and Democrats to work together to avoid another episode like the one at the Capitol. 

‘I just felt that it was so sad of what happened on January 6,’ the Austrian-born actor said. 

‘It’s not to call anyone here a Nazi by any means but just what happens when people are lied to about elections, how eventually this whole thing can go very quickly south.’

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says Jan. 6 riots is the result of what happe

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has said the January 6 riot is the result of what happens ‘when people are being lied to about the elections’ (pictured: speaking at an even in Cologne, Germany, last month)

Shattered glass: The former California governor released a video after the riot comparing it to Kristallnacht, ‘the night of broken glass’, when Nazi thugs attacked Jewish businesses in Germany in 1938

Schwarzenegger said that when he was Governor he had sought to unite both the Republican and Democrat causes and said that it was important that both parties showed unison to avoid plunging America into the chaos witnessed at the Capitol.

‘I’m worried about both parties. Both parties need to come together and work together because you cannot have just run the country on 50 percent of the brainpower. You need 100 percent of the brainpower,’ he said.

‘So therefore, you need Republican ideas when you do health care reform. You need Democratic ideas when you do health care reform. You need Republican ideas when you do the infrastructure. You need Democratic ideas when you do the infrastructure.’  

The outspoken Terminator star caused outrage in January when he compared the pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol to the Nazis who attacked Jewish-owned stores and synagogues on Kristallnacht.

He condemned Trump as ‘the worst president’ saying that his elected enablers must be ‘held accountable’ as he issued a call for unity behind Joe Biden.

He told how his father and the other men of his childhood were shattered mentally by the guilt of ‘what they saw and did.’

Gustuv Schwarzenegger was wounded in combat on the Eastern Front in 1942 having served in a Panzer group as a military policeman in Poland, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Lithuania and finally modern-day Russia.

‘Now, I’ve never shared this so publicly because it is a painful memory but my father would come drunk once or twice a week and he would scream and hit us, and scare my mother,’ Schwarzenegger said at the time. 

‘I didn’t hold him totally responsible because our neighbor was doing the same thing to his family, and so was the next neighbor over. I heard it with my own ears and saw it with my own eyes.

‘They were in physical pain from the shrapnel in their bodies and in emotional pain from what they saw or did.

‘It all started with lies, and lies, and lies, and intolerance. So being from Europe I’ve seen first hand how things can spin out of control.’

Comparing 1930s Austria to modern America he said: ‘President Trump sought to overturn the results of an election and of a fair election. He sought a coup by misleading people with lies.

‘My father and our neighbors were misled also with lies. I know where such lies lead.’ 


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