Florida woman diagnosed with COVID comes home from hospital to find husband dead in their bedroom

Wife hospitalized for a week with COVID comes home from hospital to find her husband dead in their bedroom from the virus after both did not get vaccinated

  • Lisa Steadman, 58, is mourning the loss of her husband, Ron Steadman, 55, who she found dead in their bedroom after struggling with COVID at a local hospital 
  • Steadman said the nightmare began when her husband tested positive for COVID-19 at a walk-in clinic before she got her own positive COVID results
  • Steadman said her husband was in good condition and all seemed well despite the positive test and was sent home with medicine  
  • Afterwards, Lisa also came down with COVID-19 and had to be rushed to the emergency room after passing out
  • A few days into her stay Ron told Lisa his phone couldn’t charge and after failing to get in contact with him she asked Winter Haven police to check on him
  • When officers performed a wellness check Ron appeared fine, but when Lisa was released from the hospital two days later she found his dead body in their bed
  • Neither were vaccinated because were waiting to feel comfortable enough to take the vaccine but now Lisa says she will take the vaccine as soon as she can

A Florida woman who battled COVID in a hospital returned home to find her husband dead of the virus in their bedroom after the couple opted out of getting vaccinated. 

Lisa Steadman, 58, is mourning the loss of her husband, Ron Steadman, 55, who she found dead after she battled COVID at Winter Haven Hospital for over a week. 

‘It was like walking into a horror film, and I wish I had never seen him like that because I can’t get that picture out of my head,’ Lisa Steadman tearfully told FOX 13

Florida woman diagnosed with COVID comes home from hospital to find husband dead in their bedroom

Lisa Steadman, 58,  (right) is mourning the loss of her husband, Ron Steadman, 55, (left) who she found dead in their bedroom after struggling with COVIDat a local hospital for over a week

Ron Steadman (left) tested positive for COVID-19 at a walk in clinic before Lisa (right) also tested positive for COVID

Ron’s doctor told Lisa her husband had died from COVID-related complications. Neither of the Steadmans were vaccinated.

She said they were waiting to feel comfortable enough to take but after the harrowing experience she will take the vaccine as soon as she can.  

‘Both of us felt that it hadn’t been tested enough yet,’ Steadman told WFLA. ‘Now after being in the hospital and talking with my doctor, when I am able to take it, I will in September.’ 

Lisa’s nightmare began when her husband tested positive for COVID-19 at a walk-in clinic before she got her own positive COVID results. 

Steadman said her husband was in good condition and all seemed well despite the positive test. 

‘They sent him home with medicine and stuff because he wasn’t in distress or anything. It was just like he had a bad cold,’ she said.  

But then Lisa also came down with COVID-19 and had to be rushed to the emergency room after passing out. 

She said at the hospital she began to feel the more serious symptoms of COVID.

‘I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t stop throwing up,’ she told FOX 13.

She recalled how weak she felt at one point. ‘It is like you don’t have no bones in your body. You can’t move. You’re just that weak.’ 

An emotional Steadman recalls the moment she walked in on her husband’s dead body ‘I wish I had never seen him like that because I can’t get that picture out of my head,’ she said through tears. 

Ron’s doctor told Lisa her husband had died from COVID-related complications

Neither of the Steadmans was vaccinated because they were waiting to feel comfortable enough to take the vaccine but now Lisa says she will take the vaccine as soon as she can

Steadman spent over a week at the hospital and stayed in contact over the phone with her husband who was at home recovering. 

But a few days into her stay, Ron told Lisa his phone couldn’t charge and after failing to get in contact with him she asked Winter Haven police to check on her husband. 

When officers performed a wellness check, all seemed to be alright with Ron but when Lisa was released from the hospital two days later on August 18 she made the grim discovery. 

In addition to finding Ron dead, the couple’s dogs were near death from lack of food and water, reported.   

On top of losing her husband, Lisa has had to pay a cleaning crew $800 to clean the bedroom where her husband’s body was discovered and replace bedroom furniture.

‘They were in there all of 15 minutes. They cut the part of the mattress that had the waste on it,’ Steadman said. 

She is raising money to help pay for the unexpected cost through a Facebook fundraiser that has garnered over $3,000.

In an update on Wednesday Steadman said she was re-admitted to the E.R and is still struggling with COVID-19 symptoms  

‘Lord help me through this!’ she last posted.  


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