Fauci tells Americans to DISINVITE unvaccinated family from Christmas

Fauci tells Americans to DISINVITE unvaccinated family from Christmas

Dr. Anthony Fauci has urged Americans to disinvite unvaccinated people from Christmas gatherings

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top US expert on infectious disease, has urged Americans to disinvite unvaccinated people from Christmas gatherings as the fast-spreading COVID-19 Omicron variant fuels a surge in infections nationwide. 

‘We’re dealing with a serious enough situation now that if there’s an unvaccinated person, I would say, ‘I’m very sorry, but not this time. Maybe another time when this is all over,” said Fauci in an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday night. 

The warning comes as Omicron now accounts for 73 percent of new cases in the US and pushes Europe to the brink of fresh lockdowns, with Wales the latest to announce harsh new restrictions set to kick in on Boxing Day, a British holiday celebrated the day after Christmas. 

New York, Georgia and Texas are all seeing major surges in new COVID cases, which are up more than 100 percent in the past two weeks in those states. 

Hawaii now leads the nation with daily new cases up 557 percent in the past two weeks followed by Florida at 371 percent.

The nation is currently averaging 148,384 new cases daily over the past week, a 23 percent increase from two weeks ago. Confirmed Omicron cases increased by 19 percent day-over-day, up to 1,781 as of Wednesday morning from 1,485 on Tuesday, but that number represents only the tiny fraction of infections that are DNA sequenced. 

Deaths have stabilized, with America averaging around 1,300 deaths per day – a steady figure for the past week and down slightly from two weeks ago. Encouraging new data from a leaked British study suggests that Omicron infections are less severe than prior variants.

On Tuesday, the US recorded 172,072 new cases – down from 253,954 on Monday – and 2093 deaths in a single day. The US recorded 1,513 deaths the day earlier.  Since the start of the pandemic, the US has recorded 51.2 million COVID-19 cases and 810,045 deaths. 

Despite the rising number of cases, particularly in New York where cases overall have risen 102% in the state over the past two weeks, the president of one of New York’s largest hospital systems has said that the Omicron surge is not straining his facilities.

‘We’re doing very, very well, very manageable. There’s no crisis,’ Michael Dowling, the CEO of Northwell Health, told CNN‘s John Berman on Tuesday.

He noted that there are now 460 patients in its 23 hospitals, which is less than 10 percent of its overall capacity. But at the same time last year, during COVID’s second wave, the hospital system saw nearly 1,000 cases. And during the first wave, it had 3,500 patients suffering severe side effects from the virus. 

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Wednesday that the city’s hospitalization rate stood at 2.21 per 100,000, well below the level of prior waves.  

Meanwhile, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky appeared to contradict President Joe Biden by insisting that the current surge in cases was expected, after Biden said on Tuesday that ‘the Omicron virus spread even more rapidly than anybody thought.’

‘We expected this, because we have seen the doubling times of this virus in other countries have been really rapid and that’s what we’re seeing here in the United States,’ Walensky insisted in an interview with the Today Show on Wednesday. 

Pressed on criticism that the Biden administration failed to secure enough at-home test kits as Americans struggle to find them, Walensky insisted that resources were being devoted to surge testing capacity. 

‘This has come on quickly. We’ve learned about Omicron just prior to Thanksgiving. The administration is doing a lot with regard to testing and we recognize we have more work to do,’ she said.

In the US outbreaks have forced a wave of disruptions, with holiday parties cancelled, the NHL suspending games through Christmas and withdrawing from the Winter Olympics, and Fox cancelling its New Year’s Eve telecast from Times Square.

Nevertheless many Americans are forging ahead with Christmas plans. Since Thursday, more than 12.5 million Americans have traveled by airplane, more than double last year’s figure for the same period and approaching pre-pandemic levels, according to TSA screening data. 

Earlier, Fauci also said that the US is considering shortening the 10-day isolation window for fully-vaccinated people infected with COVID-19.

Reducing the timeframe is ‘being discussed,’ particularly in the context of healthcare workers, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday, hours after England reduced its quarantine from 10 days to seven. 

‘If you get a healthcare worker who’s infected and without any symptoms at all, you don’t want to keep that person out of work too very long, particularly if you get a run on hospital beds and the need for healthcare personal,’ Fauci told CNN‘s New Day. 

Walensky told CBS Mornings that there will be an update ‘soon’. ‘We’re actively examining those data now and doing some modeling analyses to asses that,’ she said. 

The Omicron variant (purple) is now the dominant Covid strain in the U.S., making up 73% of cases last week. It overtakes the Delta variant (orange) which had been dominant since July

Six year-old Brielle Peare uses a microphone to talk to Santa Claus, who sits sealed inside a store display window behind glass as virus prevention measure at the Primark store in Boston, Massachusetts on Saturday

Omicron ‘IS milder than Delta’: British scientists give glimmer of hope in leaked first study 

British Covid scientists gave a glimmer of hope to Americans in a leaked first study showing Omicron is milder than the Delta variant as Joe Biden reassured people they can celebrate Christmas with their families.

The UK Health Security Agency say most people are likely to have a mild illness with less serious symptoms which is in part due to the large numbers of vaccinated and previously infected people – but also possibly because Omicron is milder.

The scientists also endorsed previous findings that booster jabs offer significant protection from developing symptoms and ending up in hospital, according to Politico.

The tentative findings by Britain’s equivalent of the CDC are due to be published before Christmas and do not mean that the the threat of the variant can be ignored, as it is so transmissible that large numbers are set to end up in hospital.

In a spot of good news, more signs continue to emerge that Omicron appears to cause less severe illness than prior variants, with a South African study has suggesting the risk of hospitalization is 80 percent lower with the variant.

And British scientists gave a glimmer of hope in a leaked study showing Omicron is milder than the Delta variant.

The UK Health Security Agency say most people are likely to have a mild illness with less serious symptoms which is in part due to the large numbers of vaccinated and previously infected people – but also possibly because Omicron is milder.

The scientists also endorsed previous findings that booster jabs offer significant protection from developing symptoms and ending up in hospital, according to Politico.

The tentative findings by Britain’s equivalent of the CDC are due to be published before Christmas and do not mean that the the threat of the variant can be ignored, as it is so transmissible that large numbers are set to end up in hospital.

Although COVID hospitalizations have increased rapidly in New York City, rising more than 100 percent in the past month, one hospital executive insists that capacity is not under strain. 

‘We’re doing very, very well. Very manageable. There’s no crisis… on the hospital side right now, we are doing quite well. It is very manageable indeed,’ said Michael Dowling, CEO of Northwell Health which serves New York City, Long Island and Westchester County in an interview with CNN

Dowling said that the current surge could help the nation achieve herd immunity without mass fatalities. 

‘We are in the middle of a pandemic… you’re going to have surges… if people are not that sick and they are not in the hospital — you’re building up herd immunity. So from that point of view its not the worst thing in the world,’ he said. 

Biden is still awaiting his results Wednesday after taking another COVID PRC test after being exposed to an aide who later tested positive for the coronavirus after traveling on Air Force One Friday.

‘I haven’t gotten the result yet,’ Biden told reporters Wednesday morning as they exited the South Court Auditorium after he gave an update on supply chain issues. He coughed throughout the event.

Since the exposure, the president tested negative Sunday using an antigen test and received a negative result with a PCR test Monday morning.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that fully vaccinated people get tested between five and seven days after being exposed to a COVID-positive person. Wednesday will mark day number five for Biden.

Omicron variant is now the main coronavirus strain in the United States, accounting for 73.2 percent of new cases over the past week for which data is available, health authorities reported Monday. 

In New York and New Jersey , the Midwest, the Southeast, the Gulf Coast, and the Northwest, the Omicron variant now account for more than 90 percent of new cases.

Travelers wait in line to check in for flights at Logan Airport on Tuesday in Boston. Public health officials are urging caution as the new Omicron variant might become the dominant strain in the U.S. during the holiday break

NY hospitals boss says COVID Omicron surge ISN’T straining facilities 

The president of one of New York’s largest hospital systems has said that the Omicron surge is not straining his facilities, with just 2.1 per cent of COVID patients currently hospitalized across the Empire State.

‘We’re doing very, very well, very manageable. There’s no crisis,’ Michael Dowling, the CEO of Northwell Health, told CNN‘s John Berman on Tuesday.

He noted that there are now 460 patients in its 23 hospitals, which is less than 10 percent of its overall capacity. But at the same time last year, during COVID’s second wave, the hospital system saw nearly 1,000 cases. And during the first wave, it had 3,500 patients suffering severe side effects from the virus.  

‘So when you look at the numbers today, they’re relatively modest,’ Dowling said, adding that the numbers went up after Thanksgiving and they are expecting more cases following the holiday season.

‘But it’s all manageable, we are able to deal with it,’ he said, ‘and I think it’s time for people to be a little more calm and rational.

‘While the positivity rate in the community is increasing, that does not immediately mean there’s an increase in hospitalizations,’ Dowling explained, adding that 80 percent of those hospitalized with COVID at Northwell facilities are not vaccinated.

He spoke as outgoing NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Wednesday that the current hospitalization rate for COVID patients stood at just 2.1 per cent. The prevalence of Omicron has increased by at least five-fold in a fortnight in New York. Of all the PCR tests sequenced for the week ending December 4, 2.2 per cent were of the Omicron variant, while that number leapt to 11.1 per cent on December 18. 

Earlier this morning, the NYPD announced that eight percent of its staff – over 2,700 cops – had called in sick, more than 300 of whom have tested positive for COVID.

The surge in virus cases has also prompted a run on tests, with popular urgent care center CityMD announcing it would shutter 13 of its locations due to overwhelming demand.  Lines of up to six hours have formed outside many sites, with results that are supposed to be delivered within 48 hours now taking four or five days. 

As of Monday, 4,328 COVID patients were hospitalized throughout New York State, with about every 20 out of 100,000 COVID patients needing to be hospitalized as the state broke its own record for the fourth straight day and logged 23,391 cases in 24 hours on Monday evening– about 1,000 more than the 22,478 cases reported the day before.

That record is widely-expected to be broken again when the latest infection figures are announced later on Wednesday. Around 93 per cent of new COVID diagnoses in New York and neighboring New Jersey are now being caused by the Omicron variant, even though the first US case of the new strain was only reported December 1. 

In New York City, there has been a seven-day average of new coronavirus cases nearly doubling over the past week, according to a CNBC analysis of Johns Hopkins University data.

On Wednesday, there were 3,794 confirmed COVID cases on Wednesday, with a positivity rate of 6.96 percent, as nearly 80 percent of residents have had at least one dose of the COVID vaccine and 71.4 percent are fully vaccinated.   

While other regions currently have lower Omicron prevalence, the variant is spreading fast enough that officials expect it will be dominant throughout the country within weeks.

America also reported its first confirmed death from the variant on Monday night, when an unvaccinated Texas man between ages 50 and 60 succumbed to the variant. 

Former head of the Food and Drug Administration Scott Gottlieb warned on Wednesday that the White House ‘s new plan to make coronavirus tests more widely available to mitigate a new virus wave may have come too little too late.

‘Look, we should have been doing this all along,’ the ex-FDA commissioner said on CNBC.

‘We should’ve been trying to get more at-home tests available and giving them away to consumers and in drug stores, you know, allowing consumers to come into a drug store, buy maybe four tests for $5, some small price and limiting the number of sales they can get, but making sure they got into the hands of consumers. That’s what other countries are doing.’

Yet Walensky insisted on Wednesday that ‘there really is no need to panic’ as she defended Biden’s response. 

‘There are going to be breakthrough cases of Omicron … but they will be certainly milder if you’re vaccinated and boosted,’ she said. 

The CDC director said the federal government would spend $3 billion on rapid home-testing kits that will be delivered in January. 

Overall, cases of the variant have been relatively mild compared to Delta and other strains. It is a promising sign, but Fauci warns that the quick transmission of the virus could negate any positive effects of a less severe strain. 

‘The idea that it can spread so rapidly, even if in fact it is less severe, and it appears at least from the South African data that there is less of a ratio of hospitalization to cases and duration of stay in the hospital, so it very well may be less severe. We’re hoping that that’s the case, and we’re hoping that as this evolves here in the United States that that will be our experience,’ he said.

‘Even if it is, quantity of infections, given the extraordinary efficiency of spread might actually obviate that diminution of severity to the point that you still get significant disease so we can not take this lightly at all.’ 

Overall cases in the U.S., which we now know are mostly of the newly discovered strain, have shot upwards as well. Johns Hopkins University report 253,954 new cases on Monday. It is the highest total since September 7 – the peak of the Delta wave – and only the third time since January the 250,000 daily case mark was eclipsed. 

The nation is currently averaging 148,384 new cases daily over the past week, with that number likely to increase if Monday’s high case total becomes normal. New cases are up more than 20 percent over the past two weeks.

Deaths have stabilized, with America averaging around 1,300 deaths per day – a steady figure for the past two weeks. 

Hospitalizations have increased though, with 69,224 Americans receiving inpatient treatment for severe infection every day – a 5 percent increase over two weeks ago.

Confirmed Omicron cases increased by 19 percent day-over-day as well, up to 1,781 as of Tuesday morning, up from 1,485 on Tuesday. These figures are highly undercounting the total level of cases in the U.S., though, as it likely makes up hundreds of thousands – potentially millions – of cases at this point.

While things are trending in the wrong direction in the U.S, the situation in the UK is starting to stabilize. The nation was among the first to experience a massive surge in cases caused by the variant, with London in particular erupting as a global hotspot. Daily infections have remained relatively flat since last week, a promising sign that the variant is already burning out.

Very few visitors are seen Tuesday in Times Square during the Christmas season because of COVID, Manhattan

Still, some British health experts are fearing the worst, believing that new daily cases will jump from 91,743 a day to around 460,000 a day by the end of the year. Some, like original lockdown architect Neil Ferguson, are even calling for lockdowns in some areas to curb the spread of the virus.

On Wednesday, the Welsh First Minister announced new restrictions including curbs on large gatherings, two meter social distancing in most public settings and restrictions on restaurants.  

The Welsh Government is not imposing rules on mixing in private homes, but has issued tougher guidance which ‘strongly’ advises people to limit household mixing.  

The situation in America is erupting right as the holiday season hits fully swing. Christmas is Saturday, and this week, millions of people will travel around the country and attend large gatherings with family and friends. 

Fauci believes that holiday travel and festivities is still safe as long as a person is fully vaccinated, boosted, and takes other precautions to protect themselves from the virus.

‘If you are vaccinated and particularly boosted, and you are going to be involved in an indoor home setting with family, relatives, who are also vaccinated and boosted, you could feel comfortable in doing that social interaction,’ he said. 

Fauci says White House is considering shortening 10-day isolation period for fully-vaccinated people who test positive for COVID so people with mild or no symptoms can return to work 

President Joe Biden‘s chief medical advisor says White House officials are mulling shortening the 10-day isolation window for fully-vaccinated people infected with COVID-19.

Reducing the timeframe is ‘being discussed,’ particularly in the context of healthcare workers, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday, hours after England reduced its quarantine from 10 days to seven. 

‘If you get a healthcare worker who’s infected and without any symptoms at all, you don’t want to keep that person out of work too very long, particularly if you get a run on hospital beds and the need for healthcare personal,’ Fauci told CNN‘s New Day.

‘That’s something that at least will be considered.’ Fauci did not say how much he was considering cutting the isolation period by.

His comments came after England on Wednesday announced it would shorten its mandatory isolation period from 10 to seven days for infected people who test negative on days six and seven. 

CDC chief Rochelle Walensky told CBS Mornings that there will be an update ‘soon’. ‘We’re actively examining those data now and doing some modeling analyses to asses that,’ she said. 

Earlier this week, other infectious disease experts also put out a call for relaxed quarantine measures as the seemingly unstoppable Omicron variant drives a new wave of infections throughout the nation.

Dr. Anthony Fauci (right) told CNN that White House officials are mulling shortening the 10-day isolation window for fully-vaccinated people infected with COVID-19

Fauci said a shortened isolation window for infected Americans could help ease the burden.

‘The possibility [is] if you do have someone who’s infected, rather than keeping them out for seven to 10 days, if they are without symptoms, put an N95 mask on them, make sure they have the proper PPE and they might be able to get back to work sooner than the full length of the quarantine period,’ he said. 

The latest crush of Covid cases has hit New York particularly hard. Dozens of restaurants and businesses across New York City are closing their doors ahead of the Christmas holiday after the Big Apple became overwhelmed by the virus.

Following SantaCon celebrations during the weekend, the city logged a record 21,908 cases – a slight increase over the previous record of 21,027 cases reported the day before – and in response, a host of eateries have closed.

At least 50 restaurants have closed across New York City’s five boroughs, including Boilermaker in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, whose Sippin’ Santa annual holiday pop-up cocktail bar is a seasonal favorite.

Several popular Broadway plays were also thrown into major crises ahead of the holidays – Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Hamilton, and Tina: The Tina Turner Musical, which all canceled shows due to the Covid outbreak.

Ain’t Too Proud, Ms Doubtfire, Freestyle Love Supreme and Wicked also canceled upcoming performances due to positive Covid cases among actors and stagehands.

Broadway is facing a major crisis ahead of the holidays after most of its shows canceled upcoming performances due to surges in cases among cast and production staff

Meantime, New York City is seeing such a mad rush of people wanting to get a COVID test as that some people are waiting four days to get PCR test results back.

Popular urgent care chain CityMD says it will close 13 of its clinics on Wednesday because it simply cannot keep up with the demand for COVID tests.  

In his Tuesday address to the nation on Omicron, President Joe Biden made an attempt to ease frustrations over the long test lines by stating the obvious to Americans already waiting in lines of up to six hours at already overwhelmed clinics: that you could find a testing site by searching ‘COVID test near me’ on Google.

‘We have arranged for it to be easier for you to find a free COVID testing site near you on Google. Just enter ‘COVID test near me’ in the Google search bar and you could find a number of locations nearby where you could get tested,’ he said.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota‘s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, told on Monday that with cases snowballing, it could be time to consider slashing the CDC‘s current recommended 10-day isolation period for infected essential workers.  

‘We’re going to need these people back in the workforce desperately,’ Osterholm told ‘The point is, we may even have at look at the cost and benefit to society, of having someone who may be infectious or low-level infectious, putting an N95 respirator on them and letting them work because that is going to still have a better outcome for patients than somebody not being there at all.

Dr. Michael Osterholm says Americans should expect a ‘viral blizzard’ in coming weeks

‘I mean, what is it like to try to run a hospital ward with 40 patients, when you have no one there to help?’ 

He added that quarantine periods for others should also be reduced to seven days to keep the economy moving since the Omicron variant appears to have a shorter lifespan.

Osterholm said allowing infected essential workers back to work – equipped with protective equipment – could be necessary. Experts say upward of 30 percent of healthcare workers could become infected with Omicron, which appears to have a smaller window of infection.

‘This virus is transmitting so readily that you know, many, many people in our communities will be infected, whether you’re vaccinated or not,’ he said. 

‘Now, the key feature here, though, is that if you are fully vaccinated – and I call that the three dose, vaccine approach – then your likelihood of having severe disease hospitalization or death drops dramatically. That’s really important. ‘

The United Kingdom’s government reduced its previous 10-day quarantine rule for infected Britons to a week amid fears Omicron will cripple the economy. 

Health chiefs have announced those who test positive for Covid can be released after seven days, rather than 10, providing they take two tests at the end of that period.

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s Public School of health, said America has come a long way since the pandemic took hold in March 2020

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said infected patients can take the tests 24 hours apart on day six and seven of their isolation period, which if negative means they can stop quarantining. 

The CDC recommends a 10-day isolation period for those infected with the virus and a 14-day quarantine for non-vaccinated people who’ve been in contact with infected people for more than 15 minutes throughout a 24-hour period. 

Fully-vaccinated people aren’t expected to quarantine after exposure unless they’re showing symptoms and even if they aren’t, the CDC recommends testing within five to seven days after exposure. 

Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University’s Public School of Health, said America has come a long way since the pandemic took hold in March 2020. 

He said vaccinations and masks have helped tremendously, and that it’s no longer necessary to shut schools or the economy to manage the pandemic. 

‘People should understand the goal cannot be  to avoid infection at all cost,’ he told Good Morning America. ‘That’s an unrealistic goal. The goal should be prevent deaths and severe illness, which vaccines will do, keep our hospitals from getting crushed, which again vaccines and testing can help with. 

‘This is very contagious, lots of Americans will end up getting it,’ he said. 

‘Let’s just make sure they don’t get very sick from it.’

He said that while COVID-19 will likely be around next winter as well, Americans will continue to get better at managing the virus. 

‘This winter is so much better than last year, and I expect the next one will be so much better than this year,’ he said.     

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