Family’s fury as abusive husband who butchered his wife in her home after being released without charge for domestic abuse is moved to an open prison meaning he could be out of jail by 2026

An abusive husband who killed his wife after the Crown Prosecution Service missed numerous opportunities to put him behind bars has been moved to an open prison.

Sabina Akhtar, 26, had told police that Malik Mannan had beaten her 25 times, and predicted he would kill her if he had the chance.

However, prosecutors decided not to charge him, even though he had repeatedly breached bail conditions by pestering her and calling at her home.

Taxi driver Mannan, 36, then taunted Miss Akhtar by text message, boasting: ‘I am a free man, since 1.30. Case file closed. Isn’t it great.’

Five days later in September 2008, he burst into the marital home and stabbed the mother-of-one to death with a kitchen knife.

It was the climax of a campaign of domestic abuse and violence at his hands, an inquest was told.

Mannan, of Longsight, Manchester, was eventually arrested over the assaults but a CPS lawyer decided he should be released without charge.

Family’s fury as abusive husband who butchered his wife in her home after being released without charge for domestic abuse is moved to an open prison meaning he could be out of jail by 2026

MailOnline can reveal that Malik Mannan now 50, was transferred to an open jail from closed conditions in January 2023

Miss Akhtar’s relatives attacked the blunders by the CPS after Mannan was convicted of her murder in March 2009 and jailed for life with a minimum sentence of 17 years.

Despite the revulsion sparked by the case, MailOnline can reveal that Mannan, now 50, was transferred to an open jail from closed conditions in January 2023. Surprisingly, it was his first Parole Board hearing.

The move means Mannan, who showed no remorse for the murder during his trial, will be in a far more relaxed regime at a jail which offers outside job opportunities, supervised day trips and eventually weekend release.

The downgrading of his security status is the first step in a process that will eventually lead to him being released on licence. So far, he has only served 14-years in prison.

The hearing in December 2022 was a pre-tariff review and Mannan’s release was not an option. He will be eligible for release on licence in 2026.

A spokesperson for the Parole Board said: ‘The Parole Board refused the release of Malik Mannan but recommended a move to an open conditions prison following an oral hearing in December 2022.

‘This was a recommendation only and the Secretary of State for Justice considers the advice before making the final decision on whether a prisoner is suitable for open conditions.

‘We will only make a recommendation for open conditions if a Parole Board panel is satisfied that the risk to the public has reduced sufficiently to be manageable in an open prison and if a transfer to open prison is considered to be essential to inform future decisions about release.

‘A move to open conditions involves testing the prisoner’s readiness for any potential return into the community in future. Prisoners moved to open conditions can be returned to closed conditions if there is concern about their behaviour.

‘Parole Board decisions are solely focused on what risk a prisoner could represent to the public. A panel will carefully examine a huge range of evidence, including details of the original crime, and any evidence of behaviour change, as well as explore the harm done and impact the crime has had on the victims.

‘Members read and digest hundreds of pages of evidence and reports in the lead up to an oral hearing. Evidence from witnesses including probation officers, psychiatrists and psychologists, officials supervising the offender in prison as well as victim personal statements are then given at the hearing.

‘The prisoner and witnesses are then questioned at length during the hearing which often lasts a full day or more. Parole reviews are undertaken thoroughly and with extreme care. Protecting the public is our number one priority.’

Sabina Akhtar (pictured), 26, had told police that Malik Mannan had beaten her 25 times, and predicted he would kill her if he had the chance

Mannan was convicted of murder at Manchester Crown Court after the jury deliberated for just 20 minutes.

Judge Mr Justice Maddison told Mannan on the 6th March 2009:’I am quite sure that the murder was the final act in a relationship in which you had repeatedly physically abused your wife.’In her final days she was not only terrified of you, but specifically terrified that she would die at your hands, which she did.’

Her second cousin Dr Reaz Talukder, said after the verdict: ‘Sabina’s parents blame the CPS for their wrong decision not to charge Malik Mannan at an earlier stage.’

John Holt, chief crown prosecutor for Greater Manchester, issued an unreserved apology to Sabina’s family.

At an inquest held at Manchester’s Civil Justice Centre in January 2013, coroner Nigel Meadows found that the failures by Greater Manchester Police (GMP), the CPS and social services ‘possibly contributed’ to her death.

He blasted GMP for ‘significant and serious failures’ in their investigation of the case.

The coroner also criticised a crown prosecutor’s handling of the earlier attacks over the decision not to charge Mannan or advise police to re-bail him for further inquiries.

And he added that social workers at Manchester city council failed after they twice closed a file on Sabina ‘inappropriately’ after referrals to them from health workers.

Speaking after the inquest, Dr Reaz Talukder said he welcomed the verdict and added:’The reasons we continued to fight for justice on her behalf is because of our closeness to her son, who lives in Bangladesh, and the sense of injustice that we continue to feel arising out of this incident.’

Detective Chief Superintendent Mary Doyle, of GMP, said: ‘We do accept that the handover of the original file of evidence following Mannan’s arrest was mishandled, and this matter has been addressed internally by our Professional Standards Branch.’

The couple had an arranged marriage in Bangladesh in 2003, and Miss Akhtar joined him in Britain two years later when she was pregnant with their son, Tahmid, aged three at the time of the court case.

But she discovered he had a gambling habit and was having an affair with another woman, by whom he had two children.

He promised to end the affair, but not only continued to be unfaithful but also began beating his wife repeatedly.

She suffered in silence for the sake of their son until two days of vicious abuse in July 2008 when he repeatedly lifted her by her throat before throwing her to the floor.

Mannan warned: ‘One day I will kill you just like this. One day you will die in this way.’

She went to the police, but no formal complaint was recorded.

Early the following morning he attacked her again, telling her ‘This is your final hour’, but left after she made a desperate call for help to his brother.

Miss Akhtar went back to police who took a statement with the aid of an interpreter.

Mannan was arrested on suspicion of assault and making threats to kill before being released on bail. His bail conditions required him to stay away from his wife.

Mannan ignored the bail conditions and continued to make threats. Arrested again, the CPS advised that he should be released without charge, and his bail conditions were removed.

Five days later, Miss Akhtar contacted a community worker saying she feared for her safety and called relatives saying he was ‘stalking’ her.

That night Mannan burst in armed with a kitchen knife and stabbed her in the chest.

He bought a plane ticket to Bangladesh, but he was arrested before he could flee.

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