Ex-London Mayor candidate Shaun Bailey quits police and crime committee after ‘rule breaking’ bash

Finally a top Tory quits over Christmas party scandal: Former London Mayor candidate Shaun Bailey resigns his role heading capital’s police and crime committee after attending ‘rule breaking’ bash last year

  • Ex-mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey quit London Assembly’s policing committee
  • Mr Bailey has faced calls to step down over a Christmas gathering last December
  • The party on December 14 featured wine and dancing in early hours of morning
  • Four staffers are understood to have been disciplined by the Conservative Party 

Tory ex-candidate for Mayor of London Shaun Bailey has resigned as chair of the London Assembly’s policing and crime committee after it was revealed he broke Covid rules last year by attending a Christmas gathering. 

The Conservative Party stated last Wednesday that an event for Shaun Bailey’s then-mayoral campaign took place inside the party’s Westminster HQ on December 14, 2020.

Mr Bailey bowed to pressure this afternoon after a week of intense demands for him to quit, MyLondon reported

Members of Downing Street staff joined the party, which included dancing into the early hours of the morning, despite Tier 2 restrictions in London barring indoor socialising at the time.

Four members of Mr Bailey’s staff are reported to have been disciplined over the ‘raucous’ gathering, in which a door was reported to have been damaged.  

An image taken on the night last December shows Mr Bailey standing in the middle of a crowd of some 24 people huddled closely together at Conservative Party HQ,  with platters of food nearby. 

None of the partygoers are pictured wearing masks and some of them including billionaire Tory donor Nick Candy are raising their drinks to toast the night; while millions of Londoners were forced to self-isolate in line with Tier 2 restrictions in place at the time.

Ex-London Mayor candidate Shaun Bailey quits police and crime committee after ‘rule breaking’ bash

 Ex-mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey has quit as chairman of the London Assembly’s police and crime committee following revelations of a Chistmas gathering he attended last year, in breach of Covid regulations

‘[Mr Bailey] does not want an unauthorised social gathering involving some former members of the London mayoral campaign team last December to distract from the Committee’s important work,’ said a Conservative spokesman

Mr Bailey had been scheduled to chair Wednesday’s police and crime committee, where it was expected London Assembly Members would personally demand he step down.

But an email announced that City Hall Conservative leader Susan Hall would chair the committee in the interim. 

A Conservative spokesman from the Greater London Assembly said: ‘Shaun Bailey AM has today stood aside as Chairman of the London Assembly’s Police and Crime Committee.

‘He does not want an unauthorised social gathering involving some former members of the London mayoral campaign team last December to distract from the Committee’s important work holding the Mayor of London to account.

‘He will continue to speak up for Londoners who no longer feel safe in our city and push for a strategy to tackle the disproportionate level of crime in London’s black community.’

In response to Mr Bailey’s departure, Labour’s London Assembly policing lead Unmesh Desai AM said: ‘Shaun Bailey still has to answer questions put to him by the Labour group.’

The Labour group has demanded to know who attended the party and whether Mr Bailey received any gifts.

Conservative Party Chairman Oliver Dowden is said to have been ‘appalled’ by the image showing the bash at Tory HQ.

Several hours earlier on day of the gathering, then-Health Secretary Matt Hancock had announced London would move into Tier 3 restrictions. 

Mr Bailey’s Labour opponents on the London Assembly insist he still has questions to answer over the party last December

A Conservative Party spokesman said: ‘Senior CCHQ staff became aware of an unauthorised social gathering in the basement of [CCHQ] organised by the Bailey campaign on the evening of 14th December.

‘Formal disciplinary action was taken against the four CCHQ staff who were seconded to the Bailey campaign.’

Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner told the Mirror: ‘This is damning new evidence of a party, with a buffet, drinks, Christmas attire and absolutely no social distancing held at Conservative Party HQ.

‘Shaun Bailey is an elected official that is clearly breaking Covid regulations in this photo and encouraging the same of his staff.

‘Whilst everyone else was making sacrifices to keep their community safe, the chair of the Police and Crime committee in the Greater London Authority was partying.

‘His position as chair was untenable and he knew that.’

Mr Bailey, who is tee-total, is understood to have left the party early in the evening, shortly after the picture was taken.


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