Embattled star Jonathan Majors faces fresh allegations from former girlfriends

In a new report embattled actor Jonathan Majors faces further allegations of abusive behavior towards former girlfriends dating back a decade to his time at Yale Drama School, including one accuser alleging that he strangled her while another called her relationship with him ’emotional torture.’ 

It comes just days after Majors filed a domestic violence complaint against his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari – who is already accusing him of assault. 

A new expose from Rolling Stone – that Majors’ legal team has already denied – cites dozens of interviews, with over 40 people who said they knew Majors in graduate school and throughout his rise in entertainment, both professionally and personally.

Multiple people – all of whom remained anonymous out of fear of retribution from Majors or non-disclosure agreements he made them sign – described the Creed III star as ‘a complicated, unpredictable, and sometimes violent man, who can switch from charming to cold in a flash.’ 

They also say that Majors has physically, mentally and emotionally abused several partners and treated crew members poorly on various movie sets. 

Embattled star Jonathan Majors faces fresh allegations from former girlfriends

Embattled actor Jonathan Majors faces new allegations of abusive behavior towards former girlfriends dating back a decade to his time at Yale Drama School, including one accuser saying he strangled her

Majors’ s attorney, Dustin A. Pusch, told Rolling Stone in a statement that the actor ‘vehemently denies Rolling Stone’s false allegations that he physically, verbally, or emotionally abused anyone, let alone any of his past romantic partners.’ 

‘These allegations are based entirely on hearsay because neither of the romantic partners referenced were willing to engage with Rolling Stone for the article – demonstrating their outright falsity.’ 

His team also sent half a dozen character witness testimonies from women they say Majors either dated or was close to.  

They accused the magazine of having ‘purposefully ignored those facts and red flags and published the false charges anyway.’ 

However, Rolling Stone claimed they reached out to all six and three said they never consented to have those statements released, while another said it was ‘not truthful’ and one more didn’t respond to requests for comment. 

Only Haley Carter, who dated Majors from the ages of 13 to 18, would stand behind her statement, which describes him as ‘sweet, kind and gentle.’ 

‘After 20 years of knowing him, I can tell you who Jonathan is. He did not do these things,’ Carter said.

‘He is exactly the opposite of what these allegations say. Jonathan is the most self-controlled, disciplined, well-mannered person I know. We all call him ‘the peacekeeper.’ He is not violent in any way.’

The story comes just days after Majors filed a domestic violence complaint against his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari – who is already accusing him of assault 

A new story – that Majors’ legal team has already denied – cites dozens of interviews, with over 40 people who said they knew Majors in graduate school and throughout his rise in entertainment, both professionally and personally 

The accusations date back to the David Geffen School of Drama at Yale University

A dozen people who spoke to the magazine alleged that Majors physically abused a romantic partner by strangling her and emotionally abused both her and another former lover. 

Nine different sources said Majors subjected the woman to ‘really extreme abuse, physically and mentally.’ 

Two sources said she had tried to leave him multiple times before staying with Majors.

That second ex-girlfriend is said to have told her friends that dating the actor was ’emotional torture,’ the magazine again citing nine sources.

They said that Majors would ‘get filled with rage’ and say he ‘needed to hit something or punch a wall.’ 

Another source said that Majors demanded this partner be submissive to him, trying to control her diet to whom she could speak to. 

‘My experience in dealing with him and watching him in relationships with several women [is] really upsetting,’ one source said. ‘As an outside observer, it made me uncomfortable.’

‘She said on a few occasions that he wanted her to believe that he was the oxygen in the room [and] that she could not live without him,’ that source said. 

Jonathan Majors stands in court during a hearing in his domestic violence case, Tuesday, June 20, 2023 in New York 

Majors’ attorney, Dustin A. Pusch, told Rolling Stone in a statement that the actor ‘vehemently denies Rolling Stone’s false allegations that he physically, verbally, or emotionally abused anyone, let alone any of his past romantic partners’

‘No one is surprised that this is coming out,’ another claimed. ‘It always felt like it was a matter of time because his behavior never changed. He’s kind of a bad dude, and now it’s just catching up with him.’ 

Majors’ alleged behavior stretches into his professional life on film shoots and even ‘terrorizing’ other workers on set, multiple sources said. 

On the set of one of his upcoming movies, Magazine Dreams, two crew members said he pushed someone on the set and physically intimidated another.

Those accusers claim that a complaint was made to producers and they told the crew members to ‘give Majors his space,’ though another source said that the producers were only made aware of one complaint at the end of filming and denied any physical intimidation. 

Again, Majors’ legal team furiously denies these accusations.

‘The allegations that Mr. Majors got physical with or physically intimidated anyone on any movie set are downright false,’ Pusch said. 

‘Everyone who has worked with Mr. Majors knows that he employs an immersive Method acting style, and while that can be misconstrued as rudeness at times, those who know Mr. Majors and work in the industry have attested to his dedication to his craft as well as his kindness.’ 

Multiple people accused Majors of troubling, intimidating behavior at Yale, including hitting one fellow student, with Yale administration at one point having to send out a ‘reminder about rehearsal etiquette and violence’ in response to his behavior.

Majors, who played Kang in Ant-Man and the Wasp earlier this year, is signed on for at least three more Avengers projects 

US Army ads featuring Major were launched in March but after news broke of his alleged wrongdoing, the army temporarily pulled the plug on the campaign 

Several Yale graduates said that professors and administrators were aware of Majors’ behavior, though none responded to requests for comment. 

‘Yale is committed to preserving the confidentiality and integrity of its complaint processes,’ a spokesperson for the school said in a statement.

‘This commitment helps encourage our community members to participate and is consistent with state and federal privacy laws. Accordingly, we do not comment on or even confirm the existence of specific complaints.’

Others have suggested his method actor intensity and drive are combined with something more conniving to help him make his way in the business.

‘He’s an incredible manipulator,’ one source said. ‘He’s a master at knowing what people want to see.’ 

Majors was arrested on March 25 in New York City on domestic violence allegations and later charged with several counts of assault and harassment.

His ex-girlfriend Jabbari told officers that she was assaulted and was taken to the hospital with ‘minor injuries to her head and neck.’

Now, a new NYPD domestic incident report and sworn affidavit seen by Insider claims that Majors was scratched and slapped by Jabbari, who was ‘drunk and hysterical.’ It was filed on June 21. 

Grace Jabbari is alleged to have attacked the Creed actor – and now the NYPD have probable cause to arrest her, according to his defense lawyer

The NYPD confirmed that no additional arrests have been made at this time. 

Majors’ defense attorney Priya Chaudhry said: ‘From the beginning, we have said Jonathan Majors is innocent and provably the victim here.

‘Last week, for the first time, Mr. Majors met with the NYPD to present them with evidence of what really happened on that night. 

‘Within hours of viewing the evidence, and conducting their own thorough investigation, the NYPD found probable cause to arrest Grace Jabbari for assaulting Jonathan Majors.

‘Considering this development, we extend our gratitude to the NYPD detectives for their efforts.’

It’s understood that an ‘incident card,’ which is an electronic document directing police to take Jabbari into custody, has been issued, according to Insider.   

Just last week, the Creed III actor, 33, appeared in a lower Manhattan courtroom for the first time since the alleged March incident.

Attorneys for embattled actor Jonathan Majors have claimed that surveillance video exonerates their client in his ongoing domestic violence case, citing footage that shows his accuser (circled) clubbing and socializing in the hours after she said was assaulted

Majors previously claimed that witness testimony and video evidence will prove his innocence amid allegations he’s facing of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend

Majors wore a brown suit jacket and removed his sunglasses during the short proceedings as Judge Rachel S. Pauley set a his trial date for August 3.

He was accompanied by his girlfriend Meagan Good.

Failure to show up for his trial or adhere to court orders could result in his arrest, the judge told him, adding: ‘I obviously do not want that to happen.’ Majors responded: ‘Yes, your honor’ and the parties were dismissed.

Judge Pauley also reminded Majors that he was to have ‘no contact whatsoever’ with his accuser.

Majors previously claimed that witness testimony and video evidence will prove his innocence.

His lawyer released a statement following his court appearance, requesting that all charges be dropped and instead asked for the District Attorney to, ‘initiate proceedings against Ms. Jabbari, holding her accountable for her crimes.’

‘Within a few weeks of these false allegations, we provided the District Attorney with evidence of Mr. Majors’ innocence. Last week, we delivered additional compelling evidence to the District Attorney, clearly proving Grace Jabbari’s assault on Jonathan Majors and not the other way around.

According to the NYPD, the incident involved a 30-year-old woman who alleged she had been assaulted by the actor. 

His performance in Creed III earned rave reviews with the star generating 2024 Oscar buzz for another project 

Jabbari, was said to have used physical force against Majors during the incident, according to a set of March text messages.

In the texts she calls herself the aggressor and says she hopes that the Ant-Man and the Wasp and Creed III actor will not get prosecuted.

The girlfriend wrote: ‘Please let me know when you got this. They assured me that you won’t be charged.

‘They said they had to arrest you as protocol when they saw the injuries on me and they knew we had a fight.

‘I’m so angry that they did. And I’m sorry you’re in this position. Will make sure nothing happens about this.

‘I told them it was my fault for trying to grab your phone… I only just got out of hospital… just call me when you are out.’

The actor did not respond.

A few hours later, around 9:30pm she sent another text message to Majors, telling him that she spoke to officials again.

In the text, she wrote: ‘Reiterated how this was not an attack and they do not have my blessing on any charges being placed.’

Grabs of footage, filed as evidence last month in New York criminal court, appear to show the Creed star’s accuser uninjured and out on the town after the alleged dust-up on March 25.

At the time, Jabbari wrote in a criminal complaint that the scuffle left her with a laceration behind her ear and an injured right hand.

Citing the clips that show Jabbari clubbing and socializing in the hours after she said was assaulted, Chaudhry also pointed to first-responder bodycam footage which she says shows officers ‘coaching’ the woman through her account of the alleged assault.

Chaudhry wrote in an accompanying letter: ‘Ms. Jabbari attacked Mr. Majors in the car and Mr. Majors did not strike or hurt her whatsoever.

‘Hours of security videos of Ms. Jabbari after she left the car prove that she did not suffer any injury in the car, and certainly not at the hands of Mr. Majors.’

Majors has since been dropped by both his management company, Entertainment 360, and his public relations teams, The Lede Company.

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