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EC working with the NPP to secure victory for them in 2024

EC working with the NPP to secure victory for them in 2024

Novihoho Afaglo believes the EC is colluding with the NPP

A sympathizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Marrer Ghana Limited, Susagtad Boat Building and Fishing Industry, Novihoho Afaglo, has challenged the National Peace Council and other relevant bodies interested in the peace of the country to go hard on the Electoral Commission (EC) to do the right thing.

According to him, all the activities of the Commission lately, ranging from loss of BVR machines, limited voter registration exercise, votes transfer, and a host of others, are mere disasters and a vehicle to foment violence in the 2024 general elections if not checked.

He made this statement about the current EC’s approach to the laws and agreements reached by political parties during IPAC meetings.

Afaglo said the EC, under the able leadership of Jean Mensa, has questionable behaviors, owing from how during the 2020 elections, official election results were supposedly changed seven times without Ghanaians questioning their credibility, to the current state where figures are released without tallying.

“So, it is no wonder for the commission to be churning out error figures during the limited voter registration excise. It is high time Ghanaians especially the National Peace Council and all peace-loving people put serious pressure on the Commission and begin to monitor all their activities before they plunge the country into civil war,” he stated.

The CEO said the behavior of the EC commissioners is nothing but likened to the fact that they are all conniving to ensure that the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) wins the elections at all costs.

Afaglo also alleged that during the just-ended Limited Voter Registration exercise, malfunctioning and faulty machines were sent to the opposition National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) strongholds, which is a calculated attempt to disenfranchise potential voters in these areas to shortchange the party.

“We are aware that attempts were made in some NDC strongholds to intimidate people from coming out to register and also registration centers were set far from communities all in the name of ensuring people are denied the opportunity to be registered,” he added.

Afaglo added that the Commission is doing everything in its power to frustrate the opposition NDC from winning power.

“How can the EC say it will not allow parties to observe the transfer of votes and also deny parties from taking stock of BVR serial numbers to ensure that the missing ones do not resurface during Election Day. We cannot fathom that civil society groups, the National Peace Council and other religious bodies are so quiet about the activities of the Commission, knowing well that election is a process.

“It is time we wake up from our deep sleep and begin to demand from EC to do the right things to ensure a peaceful and transparent election,” he explained.

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